Cape York - Seisia to the Tip

StartClick to Reverse the Dynamic Map and Driving NotesSeisia
DifficultyDifficulty 2/5
Suitable For4WD 
Distance126.4 km
Minimum Days1
Average Speed32.82 km/hr
Travel Time3 hrs 51 mins
Page Updated: 23 Nov 2021


The experience of standing at the most northern tip of Australia at Cape York ranks in various bucket lists as one of the “top things to do in Australia before you die”. This trek note provides the way and is designed as a day trip from Seisia including a visit to Punsand Bay, Cable Bay, and out to Somerset and Fly Point including the return journey. In all, almost 5 hours of driving time.

To reach the tip, you'll firstly head out to Bamaga then north up the main track passing the Croc Tent at Lockerbie Junction. If you stick to our route you'll be coming past this junction again so you have the choice of stopping now or later, or both (there's plenty to see).

The road that leads to the tip of Cape York ends before reaching it so you'll need to get out and walk the last few hundred metres. The walk is very exposed and whilst it is well trodden, it is a natural path along dirt and later a rocky headland (no climbing involved). The walk is suitable for most people but sturdy footwear, sunscreen, and a hat is recommended but whatever you do, don't forget the camera and perhaps a tripod! Do not be tempted to swim here. You might however, like to walk back to the carpark via Frangipani Beach that lies to the west of the rocks.

The rest of our trek note route will allow you to visit the best of the tip in a day trip, so leaving the car park you'll head west out to Punsand Bay and then onto Cable Bay. Our trek will then guide you out to the Lockerbie Junction and Croc Tent, where you should stop if you haven't already. Here you can choose to head south back down the main track to Bamaga and Seisia or continue with our day tour and head up to Somerset and the beautiful Fly Point. You'll only backtrack 6.2km of track you've already done between the Croc Tent and Somerset Junction but the visit out to the east coast of Cape York is very special. Be sure to ask the locals (at the Croc Tent) for a mud map and information about the 5 beaches run too. This side trip is not detailed in our trek note as things can vary so much we think its best you get local info but essentially you drive along the beaches, crossing the headlands between each one, drive through a tree tunnel, and cross a dune or two, and head inland past a few lakes. If you do this you might like to plan a night camping on Somerset Beach at the Aboriginal-owned camping ground, although many people manage to fit all this into a one-day trip from Seisia, so its up to you. If you do camp, be aware that there are toilets but no other facilities and fees are payable at a self-registration shelter.

If you stick with our trek note, you'll leave Somerset and head back to Bamaga and Seisia the same way you came having completed a full day. After completing this adventure you might like a quieter day in Seisia for some fishing or you could pick up another one of connecting trek notes and head out to the old Bamaga airport area where you can see WW11 plane wreckage (link to come end Nov'13).

How to Use this Trek Note

  • To download this information and the route file for offline use on a phone, tablet, headunit or laptop, go to the app store and purchase ExplorOz Traveller. This app enables offline navigation and mapping and will show where you are as you travel along the route. For more info see the ExplorOz Traveller webpage and the EOTopo webpage.


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Cape York is the name of the most northern point of the Australian continent and is often referred to as "The Tip". In fact, the whole peninsula of land that lies above the 16°S latitude is called Cape York Peninsula - this narrow peninsula is bound by the Coral sea to the east the Arafura sea and Gulf of Carpentaria to the west and the Torres Strait to the north. Locals however, refer to Cape York "proper" as the area north of the Jardine river.

TrekID: 490


MUST READ: You are strongly encouraged to read the following articles prepared by the knowledge experts at ExplorOz for your safety and preparation before undertaking any published ExplorOz Trek - Outback Safety, Outback Driving Tips, Outback Communications, and Vehicle Setup for the Outback.


Please refer to Road Reports published by the local shire and/or main roads for the area you intend to visit. Road/Track conditions can change significantly after weather events. Travellers must be responsible for their own research on current conditions and track suitability.
This Trek Note is provided as an add-on to either the PDR Trek Note, or the Telegraph Track Trek Note. Please refer to these for detailed information on what preparation is required to reach the tip of Cape York.


Permits are required to access all areas of Aboriginal land. The permit is provided when you pay your ferry fee to cross the Jardine River.

Camping permits are required in all National Parks and Reserves on the Cape York Peninsula and these must now be purchased in advance before arriving at your campsite. Self-registration for camp sites is no longer possible. To obtain an e-permit book online at, or phone 13 74 68.

Fuel Usage

4cyl 18 litres4cyl 20 litres4cyl 25 litres
6cyl 19 litres6cyl 23 litres6cyl 22 litres
8cyl 19 litres8cyl 21 litres
Usage is averaged from recorded data (* specific to this trek) and calculated based on trek distance.

Best Time To Visit

Closest Climatic Station

Horn Island
Distance from Trek Mid Point 30.48km N
Mean Max. °C30.930.530.430.429.929.328.829.
Mean Min. °C25.
Mean Rain mm387.5467.0358.2228.071.315.
    Best time to travel      Ok time to travel      Travel NOT recommended


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Seisia to Bamaga
Driving: 5.87 km
Heading: 158°
Avg Speed: 64.96 km/hr
EST Time: 05:25
  • Drive southeast on Seisia Road. for: 5.81 km time: 05:16
  • Turn right onto Injinoo Road. for: 0.07 km time: 00:10
Bamaga to The Croc Tent
Driving: 16.77 km
Heading: 34°
Avg Speed: 30.97 km/hr
EST Time: 32:29
  • Drive east on Injinoo Road. for: 0.07 km time: 00:06
  • Turn left onto Adidi Street. for: 0.12 km time: 00:08
  • Turn right onto Lui Street. for: 1.36 km time: 01:59
  • Turn left onto Pajinka Road. for: 15.23 km time: 30:16
The Croc Tent to Somerset Junction
Driving: 6.92 km
Heading: 63°
Avg Speed: 30.26 km/hr
EST Time: 13:43
  • Drive northeast on Pajinka Road. for: 6.92 km time: 13:44
Somerset Junction to Roma Flat Junction
Driving: 2.77 km
Heading: 18°
Avg Speed: 30 km/hr
EST Time: 05:32
  • Drive northeast on Pajinka Road. for: 2.77 km time: 05:33
Roma Flat Junction to Carpark at the Tip
Driving: 7.62 km
Heading: 17°
Avg Speed: 29.99 km/hr
EST Time: 15:14
  • Drive north on Pajinka Road. for: 7.62 km time: 15:15
Carpark at the Tip to Roma Flat Junction
Driving: 7.62 km
Heading: 197°
Avg Speed: 29.98 km/hr
EST Time: 15:15
  • Drive southeast on Pajinka Road. for: 7.62 km time: 15:15
Roma Flat Junction to Cape York Camping Punsand Bay
Driving: 6.64 km
Heading: 290°
Avg Speed: 30 km/hr
EST Time: 13:16
  • Drive south on Pajinka Road. for: 0 km time: 00:00
  • Turn right onto Bottom Crossing Road. for: 0.96 km time: 28:57
  • Keep left to stay on Bottom Crossing Road. for: 5.68 km time: 02:50:21
Cape York Camping Punsand Bay to Cable Bay Camp
Driving: 1.57 km
Heading: 282°
Avg Speed: 30 km/hr
EST Time: 03:08
  • Drive west on Bottom Crossing Road. for: 1.57 km time: 47:11
Cable Bay Camp to Junction off Bottom Crossing Rd
Driving: 4.65 km
Heading: 166°
Avg Speed: 30 km/hr
EST Time: 09:18
  • Drive west on Bottom Crossing Road. for: 4.65 km time: 02:19:31
Junction off Bottom Crossing Rd to The Croc Tent
Driving: 4.91 km
Heading: 178°
Avg Speed: 30 km/hr
EST Time: 09:49
  • Drive southwest on Bottom Crossing Road. for: 4.83 km time: 02:24:52
  • Turn right onto Pajinka Road. for: 0.08 km time: 00:08
The Croc Tent to Somerset Junction
Driving: 6.92 km
Heading: 63°
Avg Speed: 30.26 km/hr
EST Time: 13:43
  • Drive northeast on Pajinka Road. for: 6.92 km time: 13:44
Somerset Junction to Somerset
Driving: 10.51 km
Heading: 77°
Avg Speed: 19.95 km/hr
EST Time: 31:36
  • Drive southwest on Pajinka Road. for: 0.01 km time: 00:01
  • Turn left. for: 10.5 km time: 31:36
Somerset to Fly Point
Driving: 1.78 km
Heading: 122°
Avg Speed: 30 km/hr
EST Time: 03:33
  • Drive northeast. for: 1.78 km time: 49:49
Fly Point to Somerset
Driving: 1.78 km
Heading: 302°
Avg Speed: 30 km/hr
EST Time: 03:33
  • Drive northwest. for: 1.78 km time: 49:49
Somerset to Somerset Junction
Driving: 10.51 km
Heading: 257°
Avg Speed: 19.93 km/hr
EST Time: 31:38
  • Drive southwest. for: 10.5 km time: 31:31
  • Turn right onto Pajinka Road. for: 0.01 km time: 00:08
Somerset Junction to The Croc Tent
Driving: 6.92 km
Heading: 243°
Avg Speed: 30.26 km/hr
EST Time: 13:43
  • Drive southwest on Pajinka Road. for: 6.92 km time: 13:44
The Croc Tent to Bamaga
Driving: 16.77 km
Heading: 214°
Avg Speed: 30.93 km/hr
EST Time: 32:31
  • Drive southwest on Pajinka Road. for: 15.23 km time: 30:15
  • Turn right at the end of the road, onto Lui Street for: 1.36 km time: 01:56
  • Turn left onto Adidi Street. for: 0.12 km time: 00:12
  • Turn right onto Injinoo Road. for: 0.07 km time: 00:10
Bamaga to Seisia
Driving: 5.87 km
Heading: 338°
Avg Speed: 63.29 km/hr
EST Time: 05:33
  • Drive east on Injinoo Road. for: 0.07 km time: 00:06
  • Turn left onto Adidi Street. for: 0.87 km time: 01:02
  • Bear left onto Seisia Road. for: 4.94 km time: 04:26
Distance is based on the travel mode shown (Driving, Straight, Cycling, Walking etc), Direction is straight line from start to end, Avg Speed & EST Time is calculated from GPS data.

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