This historic trek note takes you back to the days when timber was needed to support mining operations at Kalgoorlie and
Coolgardie. Evidence of the woodlines is everywhere, from the remnants of rail sleepers and loading ramps near the main track, to
granite slab walls on
rock monoliths used to trap valuable water. Today and 65 years since operations had ended, the bush and the Salmon Gum and Gimlet forests have reclaimed the land.
There’s not only an abundance of historical significance in the region, but also many amazing natural land features. Just some of the sights you will encounter include;
Burra Rock, which is a large
granite outcrop that slopes steeply southward and
Cave Hill which is one of the largest and highest
granite monoliths in the region.
There are some camping and picnic sites available in
Burra Rock and
Cave Hill Nature Reserve with BBQ pits and
toilet facilities. Camping is also permitted at
The Breakaways which is near a soft rocky outcrop just south of the main route.
How to Use this Trek Note
- To download this information and the route file for offline use on a phone, tablet, headunit or laptop, go to the app store and purchase ExplorOz Traveller. This app enables offline navigation and mapping and will show where you are as you travel along the route. For more info see the ExplorOz Traveller webpage and the EOTopo webpage.
The tracks are a mix of gravel tracks and bitumen roads when you head closer to the towns. Some of these tracks have large washaways beside them, so caution should be exercised. The natural terrain on this trek is predominantly bushland with relatively thick forests of Salmon Gum and Gimlet. There are some large
granite outcrops and monoliths with
rock pools and the occasional salt water
Some of the animals and birds that you may encounter on this trek note include: Kangaroos, Emus, Foxes, Mallee Fowl and Thorny Devils. During Spring, the region produces magnificent wildflower and flowering shrubs. Around
Hyden and
Wave Rock during this time produces a superb variety of orchids.
TrekID: 138