Sarah Anne and Couta Rocks

StartClick to Reverse the Dynamic Map and Driving NotesTemma Rd & Sarah Anne Rocks Access
FinishTemma Rd & Rebecca Rd
DifficultyDifficulty 3.5/5
Suitable For4WD 
Distance10.19 km
Minimum Days1
Average Speed27.71 km/hr
Travel Time22 mins
Page Updated: 19 Oct 2009


Sarah Anne Rocks and Couta Rocks a little further south provides 4WDrivers the chance of taking a side trip towards the coast when travelling north or south on the Temma Road. If you are travelling in a 4WD heading from Arthur River to Corinna, you may want to consider side trips such as this one and discover the life and hardships faced by some of Tasmania’s northwest coast fisheries.

Sarah Anne Rocks is set within the Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area and is much loved by both residents of the Edge of the World and tourists alike. It’s coastal location and openness to the elements is all part of its charm. There are about half a dozen shacks here as well as a beautiful beach. There is a very scenic 2 kilometre coastal walk from Sarah Anne Rocks to Couta Rocks, and from Couta Rocks, a road continues a short distance along the coast toward Temma.

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This stretch of coast is often dubbed the 'Roaring 40s', where prevailing gale-force winds blow persistently from the west, often pounding the coast and creating an almost lunar-type landscape of sand dunes and lichen-painted rocks. The area is also famed for its; rolling plains of buttongrass all the way down to the sea, little fishing shacks, and cray boats either bobbing on the harbour or raised out of the water. This area is noted for the place where the sea can get rather rough to say the least. Before the weather turns foul, it is not uncommon to see local fishermen winching their boats out of the water on slips rather than risk them getting pounded on the moorings.

A network of formed spur roads provides access off the main road to Sarah Anne Rocks and Couta Rocks. These roads are generally all-weather gravel and suitable for conventional vehicles. The Parks and Wildlife Service have hardened many of the spur roads in the reserve, and where tracks have been hardened - erosion caused by braiding is minimal.

The coastline in this area is known to be among the most scenic and wild in Tasmania. Vegetation near the coast consists of heath and scrublands, whilst buttongrass dominates the poorly drained moorlands. Numerous wildflowers and orchid species dot the coast and plains during specific times of the year. Regarding bird species along the coast, you may see the red-capped plover, fairy tern, pacific gull, ruddy turnstone, raptors, and pied and sooty oyster catchers.


In 1968 the small fishing villages of Sarah Anne Rocks and Couta Rocks only really grew into existence after a one lane bridge was built across Arthur River in 1968. Prior to that villagers and visitors alike were forced to punt.

TrekID: 169


MUST READ: You are strongly encouraged to read the following articles prepared by the knowledge experts at ExplorOz for your safety and preparation before undertaking any published ExplorOz Trek - Outback Safety, Outback Driving Tips, Outback Communications, and Vehicle Setup for the Outback.


Please refer to Road Reports published by the local shire and/or main roads for the area you intend to visit. Road/Track conditions can change significantly after weather events. Travellers must be responsible for their own research on current conditions and track suitability.
Please obtain travel permits if considering driving off the designated roads/tracks or onto beaches. Also, if you are considering camping within the Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area, then camping permits will need to be sought.

It's a good idea to take warm clothing and wet weather gear since the weather on the coast can become very windy, cold and wet without too much notice. Check the weather and road conditions before venturing south and out towards the coast from Arthur River.


Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area (APCA) is a Conservation Area - national park entry fees do not apply. That said, however, if you are considering driving off designated roads/tracks or onto some beaches, then a permit is required. To obtain a permit or information on road/track conditions, please contact the ranger station at Arthur River or phone Parks and Wildlife Service, Arthur River on: (03) 6457 1225.

Fees need to be paid for camping - for more information, please click: Camping in Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area

For further information on permits, off-road tracks and camping - please contact the:

Arthur River Field Office

c/o PWS Smithton Office
PO Box 715
Smithton 7330 TAS
Phone: (03) 6457 1225
Fax: (03) 6457 1277

Fuel Usage

Nearest and last fuel location is at Marrawah which is around 16kms north from Arthur River and approximately 30km north of Sarah Anne Rocks.
4cyl 1 litres4cyl 2 litres4cyl 2 litres
6cyl 2 litres6cyl 2 litres6cyl 2 litres
8cyl 2 litres8cyl 2 litres
Usage is averaged from recorded data (* specific to this trek) and calculated based on trek distance.

Best Time To Visit

The warmer summer months is the best time to travel since the weather can get rather wet and cold during the winter months.

Closest Climatic Station

Distance from Trek Mid Point 28.03km N
Mean Max. °C20.120.919.316.814.712.812.312.713.714.916.718.3
Mean Min. °C11.912.511.610.
Mean Rain mm49.
    Best time to travel      Ok time to travel      Travel NOT recommended


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Temma Rd & Sarah Anne Rocks Access to Sarah Anne Rocks
Driving: 1.54 km
Heading: 231°
Avg Speed: 42.01 km/hr
EST Time: 02:11
Sarah Anne Rocks to Sarah Anne Rocks
Driving: 0.36 km
Heading: 218°
Avg Speed: 11.01 km/hr
EST Time: 01:57
Sarah Anne Rocks to Sarah Anne Rocks
Driving: 0.36 km
Heading: 38°
Avg Speed: 11.01 km/hr
EST Time: 01:57
Sarah Anne Rocks to Temma Rd & Sarah Anne Rocks Access
Driving: 1.54 km
Heading: 51°
Avg Speed: 42.01 km/hr
EST Time: 02:11
Temma Rd & Sarah Anne Rocks Access to Temma Rd & Rebecca Rd
Driving: 2.41 km
Heading: 170°
Avg Speed: 78.37 km/hr
EST Time: 01:50
Temma Rd & Rebecca Rd to Couta Rocks Rd & Couta Rocks Access
Driving: 1.02 km
Heading: 260°
Avg Speed: 53 km/hr
EST Time: 01:09
Couta Rocks Rd & Couta Rocks Access to Couta Rocks
Driving: 0.12 km
Heading: 310°
Avg Speed: 8.9 km/hr
EST Time: 00:48
Couta Rocks to Southern End of Beach Track
Driving: 0.24 km
Heading: 336°
Avg Speed: 8.14 km/hr
EST Time: 01:46
Southern End of Beach Track to Couta Rocks
Driving: 0.24 km
Heading: 156°
Avg Speed: 8.14 km/hr
EST Time: 01:46
Couta Rocks to Couta Rocks Rd & Couta Rocks Access
Driving: 0.12 km
Heading: 130°
Avg Speed: 8.9 km/hr
EST Time: 00:48
Couta Rocks Rd & Couta Rocks Access to Couta Rocks
Driving: 0.61 km
Heading: 178°
Avg Speed: 17.85 km/hr
EST Time: 02:03
Couta Rocks to Couta Rocks Rd & Couta Rocks Access
Driving: 0.61 km
Heading: 358°
Avg Speed: 17.85 km/hr
EST Time: 02:03
Couta Rocks Rd & Couta Rocks Access to Temma Rd & Rebecca Rd
Driving: 1.02 km
Heading: 80°
Avg Speed: 53 km/hr
EST Time: 01:09
Distance is based on the travel mode shown (Driving, Straight, Cycling, Walking etc), Direction is straight line from start to end, Avg Speed & EST Time is calculated from GPS data.

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