Erect shrub; stems appressed-pubescent.
Leaves alternate, narrow-cuneate, concave to folded, 3–10 mm long, c. 0.5 mm wide, apex obtuse and recurved, margins incurved to involute, lower surface darker than upper; stipules c. 1 mm long.
Inflorescences terminal, 1–4-flowered, often on lateral short shoots; bracts imbricate, caducous, 2–4 mm long, entire or 3-lobed, oblong to ovate to circular, acuminate to obtuse, usually notched, glabrous to slightly hairy, margins often ciliate. Flowers 6–8 mm long, almost sessile; bracteoles c. 3 mm long, lacking stipules, lanceolate to ovate, acuminate, mostly hairy, attached to lower part of calyx tube. Calyx 5–6 mm long, moderately hairy; lobes narrowly acuminate. Ovary hairy.
Flowering start in August and ends in October.
The main flower colour is yellow.
References 02 Nov 2014 -
Stephen L (Clare) SAUpdated: 20 Nov 2014 -
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