Robust shrubby twiner or scrambler, stems to a few metres long.
Adult leaves alternate, mostly narrowly elliptic, 36–60 mm long, 6–13 mm wide, glabrous; margin usually recurved, never undulate; petiole 1–2 mm long, with lamina extending to base.
Inflorescences terminal, mostly sessile, corymbose to umbel-like, up to 12-flowered. Sepals 2–3 mm long, yellow-green. Petals 8–14 mm long, separating above the middle, initially white, cream-coloured or pale yellow, with spreading mauve-red blotches from throat with age; apex hairy. Stamens often 4 with one staminode; filaments tapering; anthers oblong, white. Ovary 5–7 mmlong; style c. 0.5 mm long; stigma large capitate.
Flowering start in August and ends in January.
The main flower colour is purple.
References 05 Nov 2014 -
Stephen L (Clare) SAUpdated: 19 Nov 2014 -
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