Shrubby Bluebush

Family: Chenopodiaceae
Genus: Maireana
Species: pyramidata
Main Flower Colour: Pink


Shrub or perennial forb to 1.5m tall. Often spiny branches. Leaves succulent, alternating up the stems, 0.2-0.6cm long, flat to flattened cylindrical, hairy. Male and female flowers frequently on different plants. Flowers tiny (less than 3mm across), solitary a the bases of the leaves. Fruiting body green to yellow, brown to black when dry, with a single hairless horizontal wing with 0-1 radial slit. Upper nad lower body of the fruiting body hairy.


The main flower colour is pink.

Views (per week)25


Bio Regions

Murray Darling Depression (MDD)

Region Specifics

Hogwash Bend

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