Lately we have been revisiting some of our favourite
places to bushwalk close to
home while the days are cool and clear.
The most challenging has been
Pigeon House Mountain in the Budawangs west of Milton, in
Morton National Park. It is one of the most popular walks in the region, and there are spectacular
views from
the summit.
Theres quite a drive along sealed and then dirt roads through forest to get there though from either Milton or a couple of signposted roads South of
Burrill Lake from the Princes Highway.
The walk is approximately 5 kms return in distance but because of the terrain takes between three and four hours to complete. There is a 'lung
clearing' walk which follows an old 4WD trail uphill from the
carpark to large
sandstone outcrops
![a rocky climb along the way]()
a rocky climb along the way
and ledge for
views of the mountain so named by because of its likeness to a birdcage. From here there are also
views out to the ocean.
![view of Pigeon House from the rock platform along the way]()
view of Pigeon House from the rock platform along the way
From here the trail meanders through mostly level, forested land for a short distance and in spring there are many
wildflowers - wattles, banksias, boronias in bloom. Now the gradient increases gradually at first and then more steeply and we are always surprised by just how many steps there are until the first of a series of metal staircases is reached. A timber bench has been conveniently provided for a rest before tackling the last steep climb to
the summit.
Finally there is a short almost level walk westward around the base of the mountain leading to a series of metal staircases and ladders separated by mesh platforms - creating a perfect place to pause for breath, enjoy the
views and take photographs.
![metal staircases towards the summit of Pigeon House Mountain]()
metal staircases towards the summit of Pigeon House Mountain
![views from the staircases]()
views from the staircases
It hasnt always been this easy. I have climbed the mountain on a number of other occasions, the first some 30 years ago when the final climb was mostly climbing and
rock scrambling with rope to assist one up. I am ashamed to admit that I was very much less fit in those days this being obvious in the days following the climb when my legs hurt so badly I had difficulty walking. I remember our two eldest children then only aged 4 and 6 ran up much of it and couldnt comprehend my slowness!
![nearly at the top now - glimpses of the coastline through boulders]()
nearly at the top now - glimpses of the coastline through boulders
the summit there are wonderful panoramic
views in all directions - north across Pigeon House
Gorge to Talaterang Mountailn, as
well as Byangee Walls and the Castle.
![wonderful views from Pigeon House Summit]()
wonderful views from Pigeon House Summit
![views from the summit towards Byangee walls and the Castle]()
views from the summit towards Byangee walls and the Castle
To the south Mt Dromaderry is visible along the coastline and as far north to
Point Perpendicular. These
views are a great reward for the climb.
We sat on top and ate our morning tea then returned to the
carpark for lunch, surrounded by greedy currawongs who arrive out of nowhere as soon as food is produced.
Another of our favourite walks is the easy 7kms return walk to Mt Bushwalker on Little Forest Plateau to the north of Milton. This walk is accessed from the Princes Highway along Pointer Gap Road about 8 kms north of the township along a mainly dirt road which climbs steeply up to the top of the Plateau.
Its a great walk as the almost flat terrain provides wonderful glimpses of the coastline North towards Jervis bay along the way, as
well as across to the Clyde
Gorge and Mt Tianjara. The track is
well maintained by the local Bushwalking Club and there are sections of boardwalk, also stumps positioned like stepping stones at regular intervals designed to keep feet out of mud. Theres a small rocky water crossing with a waterfall too and below bush orchids which are beautiful when in flower - with sprays of creamy white blossoms cascading down the rocks.
At the end of the walk sheer cliffs provide spectacular
views out to Pigeon House, Mt Talaterang, the escarpment of Byangee Mountain and Castle from the Clyde River
Gorge. Other notable landforms visible include Quilty's Mountain and Shrouded Gods.
![view from Mt Bushwalker]()
view from Mt Bushwalker
Its a good place to stay a while and drink in the
views before returning along the same route.
The walk to Bushwalker is a good introductory one to experience the rugged beauty of the Budawang wilderness area without too much effort.
Also from the same area on Little Forest Plateau, there are other walks leading to Florence and Rusden Heads for different
views over the
Morton National Park. Both of these are around the same distance - 7 to 8 kms. The car park is reached from the top of the Plateau and both walks lead from the same place.
We recently did the 8km return walk to Rusden Head which is 'moderate' grade but mostly fairly level.
Theres a 750metre walk along the Little Forest Walking Track past a large
sandstone outcrop near the
carpark along which are placed a number of interpretive signs. To the west of the track are waterlogged sedge and heathlands with stunted
woodlands in better drained areas. Much of the
views have been obscured by vegetation growth since a bushfire burnt out the area.
The track to Rusden head leads to the right and downhill from where there are glimpses of Talaterang Mountain mainly obscured by tall hakeas, banksias and other assorted vegetation. Theres a series of wooden planks to help bypass the low, boggy sections of track and after a long very gradual decline, the track ventually reaches some rocky slabs.
![beautiful sundew]()
beautiful sundew
In the mossy lower areas an amazing little plant named a sundew thrives. This is brilliant red, quite flat and like small sparkling jewel encrusted spots along the track. Viewed from up close, it is an intricate pattern and quite spectacular.
Theres another short section of wet, boggy track which then leads uphill to rocky outcrops where there are glimpses of
Pigeon House Mountain on the right and Florence head on the left. Before long the edge of Rusden head is reached and the rocky ledge drops off to the valley below.
![vegetation on Rusden head]()
vegetation on Rusden head
There are wonderful, unobscured
views to Mt Talaterang and Pigeon House
Gorge, Byangee Mountain, Pigeon House, the Budawang Range and even to Durras Mountain in the distance, along with the coastline to the east.
![views from Rusden head include Pigeon House]()
views from Rusden head include Pigeon House
If you follow the edge of the
cliff line around to the left, pushing your way through the stunted spiky shrubs, there are even better
views of the coastline across the cliffs of Florence Head and Lake Conjola.
![views across to Florence head and the coast to the east]()
views across to Florence head and the coast to the east
Theres also a cleft in the rocks here which marks the start of a steep descent leading to a track which will take you to Pigeon House apparently.
The walk to Duurras Mountain is reached from two different
parking areas -
Pebbly Beach to the south, or
Pretty Beach to the North. We have previously walked to
the summit from both ends but this time chose to drive to
Pebbly Beach to begin our walk in somewhat windy conditions. From Pebbly it is just under 8 kms in length return.
Pebbly Beach is a popular place for both interstate and international tourists because there are certain to be sightings of kangaroos and native birds such as king parrots and
rainbow lorikeets close to the
carpark. It is clearly signposted from the Princes Highway south of
Ulladulla and North of
Batemans Bay and is located some 8 kms along a dirt road.
Day fees apply in this National Park, currently $7 per vehicle, and passes can usually be purchased from the machine at the
carpark although it was out of order the day we were there. (We have an exemption because of Johns TP&I Pensioner status).
There is also a
campground with flushing
toilets and cold showers and there are limited sites for caravans although the descent to the
parking area is relatively steep, narrow and winding bitumen.
We left our lunch in the car and took the day pack with water and morning tea and of course I carried the camera.
The walk starts north of the
carpark along a service trail which leads to and past the cabins. There are tall spotted gums along the way and the track meanders up and down a small slope before reaching North
Pebbly Beach where the waves break over small pebbles. It is a pretty little beach and worth a look.
Continuing past
the beach, the track crosses a small
bridge and climbs through a small patch of littoral rainforest before reaching a
track junction and
sign. Take the left turn to start the climb to Durras Mountain or continue a short distance towards Clear Point (and Snake Bay) for great
views of the coastline in both directions.
![coastline views from Clear Point]()
coastline views from Clear Point
(This lovely walk with many beautiful
views of the ocean and also worth the effort and we have done it a couple of times.)
We took the track to the mountain summit which climbs and winds uphill and where the vegetation becomes drier.
![track to Durras Mountain lined with tall trees]()
track to Durras Mountain lined with tall trees
Along the way we paused to catch our breath and enjoy glimpses of the ocean through the trees. At various
places along the way the strong winds whipped around us and we anxiously watched the bending branches of those tall trees above us....hoping that one wouldnt drop without warning!
![track junction sign and me close to the summit]()
track junction sign and me close to the summit
The track had been cleared and was clearly visible right to Durras trig but many
views of the coast here are obscured by trees although there are some
views west towards
Pigeon House Mountain and the Budawangs form near here. A wooden table and bench seats provides a place to sit and enjoy the place and we had morning tea here before retracing our steps.
This walk does continue through to
Pretty Beach which is approximately 5 kms further north.
Back at
Pebbly Beach we wandered along the sand and I took a photo of
John with the very quiet reclining, sunbaking kangaroos
![John with the roos at Pebbly Beach]()
John with the roos at Pebbly Beach
before we returned to the car for lunch. We sat on the seats nearby with our sandwiches and were soon accosted by some very agressive parrots and satin bower birds who are obviously used to being fed by tourists. They landed on our heads and arms and tried to take our food so we had to retreat to the car to eat!
![king parrot]()
king parrot