You have taken the time and effort to compose your Blog, so make it stand out with images that you have taken during your travels or holidays.
If you are like me, you get great enjoyment reading
Blogs but get disappointed when viewing images only to find them very small that they have lost the impact that they should have had on that Blog.
There are many writers of such
Blogs that are completely unaware that they have the ability to create a stunning Blog with large images, all for free. I have checked with Michelle and there is no limit to the size of images allowed for a Blog, so do not skimp and go for an image of around 800 – 900 kb in size and it will make the biggest difference to the impact that your Blog has to all viewer.
How may you ask do you get a image that size or what do you use to create your image that size? There are many free down loads available from the Internet, some easier to use than others. One such tool is available from the very good photo editing and storage ability of Picasa. This software will sort all your photos, with the ability to load and store images safely on the Internet, and even give you the ability to downsize your image to the correct size.
Download this free software and follow the easy steps below and you to will have a Blog that stands out.
Once you are set up, it is a very easy process to follow and it is possible to downsize hundreds of images with the click of one button, rather that doing each image individually.
Once Picasa is open, Select the Image or Images that you wish to Resize and Export.
![Step 1 is to Select the Image or Images for Resizing]()
Step 1 is to Select the Image or Images for Resizing
When this window is then open, it will then give you this screen, with the ability to downsize any image to whatever size you require.
![Now Select the "Export Folder"]()
Now Select the "Export Folder"
I always personally select 1500 pixels to give you the largest size open image in a Blog. Select the image or images that you wish to downsize and in seconds your selected images are ready to insert into your Blog at a size that we will all enjoy.
![Select the Pixel Size and Folder Destination for the Export]()
Select the Pixel Size and Folder Destination for the Export
Below are a number of images that have been downsized to various sizes, many sizes that people have used here on ExplorOz. You be the Judge and see for yourself how easy it is and the results will speak for themselves.
Happy photo editing and make your Blog stunning with good viewable images.
![This Image is 46KB in Size]()
This Image is 46KB in Size
![This Image is 102 KB in Size]()
This Image is 102 KB in Size
![This Image is 190KB in Size]()
This Image is 190KB in Size
Last and for me, the best size to give the maximum impact at least 800kb in file size.
![This Image is 920KB in Size]()
This Image is 920KB in Size