![Maralinga Range Tour]()
Maralinga Range Tour
Back in late 2011 I received an email from a fellow EO Member asking me some information about one of the
places that he would like to visit during his March 2012 Desert wanderings. The station that he wanted to travel through is owned by a person that I know personally very
well and lives here in
Clare. As you do for a fellow EO Member and later a good friend, I contacted the owner and asked for permission on behalf of Leigh, who in return sent the owner a very professionally written letter, outlining his proposed route and his credentials. With the approval given, I then kept in regular contact with Leigh and was given a full run down of the
places that he was hoping to travel to. One such place that he hoped to get to was
Maralinga, to which I replied, “best of luck”, as I had previously tried on 3 occasions and my applications declined every time, with no reasons given why.
The months passed and I received an email after Leigh’s trip. I then gave him a phone call to discuss his great trip and to rub salt into my wounds, Leigh thanked me for helping him get through the Station and then said, we were given permission and visited
Maralinga and I could not believe what I was hearing. This got me into planning an unscheduled trip for mid-August and my destination would be
Maralinga, after all, if Leigh could get a permit, then surely I must have a very good chance. Making regular contact with Robin up in
Maralinga, things sounded very hopeful and I then got back in contact with Leigh and told him about my proposed trip and some of the
places that I was going to travel to. Hearing where I wanted to go to, Leigh then said, “I am coming along also” and invited himself, as you do.
The time passed by very quickly, we had a great trip in the meantime to
Cairns and I had made many phone calls to both Robin and Leigh about the trip, and then about 6 weeks before the trip, things took a downward turn and my
Maralinga trip permits had hit a brick wall. Leigh then took over and he also was not having much success, so seeing that I had holidays booked, I then started planning Trip B, which would see us heading up to
Broken Hill and then the back road to
Innamincka. With just under 2 weeks to go before the
Innamincka trip, I received a phone call at 9.05pm on a Tuesday night, and it was Leigh on the Phone – “guess where we are going……
Maralinga”, things have all been sorted out. I could not believe what I was hearing and things were now all back on track. I could not believe what Leigh had just told me, so I immediately rang my other travelling companions from Nhill in Victoria and gave
John the breaking news. My original plans were now back in place and we were now all going to have a trip that I had been waiting years to do.
![We met up with John in Port Augusta]()
We met up with John in Port Augusta
![We had lunch in Kimba and then headed for Buckleboo]()
We had lunch in Kimba and then headed for Buckleboo
![The crops were looking good around Buckleboo]()
The crops were looking good around Buckleboo
I had arranged to meet
John at
Port Augusta on the Saturday morning of the first day of our trip, and I also knew that Leigh was going to be in town with his small group also. Making contact with
John over the UHF when we arrived in
Port Augusta, I told him where I was and proceeded to get fuel for my vehicle. A complete stranger who I had never met before came up to me and said – “you must be Stephen, I can tell by the dull finish on your paintwork from the Auto Skin you were telling me about” and it was Leigh. What a surprise that was, as we had planned to meet him in 4 days’ time up at
Maralinga. Having a great chat with Leigh, we all went our own ways and headed for the West Coast. Prior to leaving
home, I had given Leigh a Track file for a good little side trip to get into the four wheel drive mode. After lunch in
Kimba, I then took
John on the road north and headed for Buckleboo for a short, but good little drive – The Buckleboo Stock Route. Just about to turn off for the actual track and Leigh came along, at a faster pace of travel than what we were doing. Being the gentleman that I am and not wanting to slow down Leigh’s progress, we gave them the lead and they took off and were soon out of sight.
![Heading for the Buckleboo Stock Route]()
Heading for the Buckleboo Stock Route
![Entering the Conservation Park]()
Entering the Conservation Park
![Not long before the Buckleboo Stock Route]()
Not long before the Buckleboo Stock Route
![Once Leigh was on the right track, he was off....]()
Once Leigh was on the right track, he was off....
![It might not look steep, but it takes more than one go to get over]()
It might not look steep, but it takes more than one go to get over
As usual with this drive, the first main
sand dune is a
test and four wheel drive is a must. There were many stops along this route for the
wildflowers that were starting to come out and at the place that I recommended for Leigh’s first
camp, they were all set up early and taking it easy. We would have loved to stop, but were still a long way from where I had chosen for our first nights
camp at Tcharkuldu Rocks, just out of
Minnipa. With
our camp set up, the fire was soon going and the day’s events were great and it was good to show the others a great little drive
well away from the main highway and a taste of the dirt roads that we would be using over the coming 2 weeks.
![At the End of the Buckleboo Stock Route]()
At the End of the Buckleboo Stock Route
![Great Views from on top of the Outcrop]()
Great Views from on top of the Outcrop
![Our First nights Camp at the old Hut]()
Our First nights Camp at the old Hut
![Lunch at Ceduna]()
Lunch at Ceduna
![I am a sucker for Trig Points]()
I am a sucker for Trig Points
![Tower Hill Road]()
Tower Hill Road
Next morning the sides of my car were white, not from a frost, but a heavy dew had made the Auto-Skin go white again, but it soon changed back to a dull finish once the sun came out and started to dry things out. Back on the road, we took the main Eyre Highway west, as we had a long way to go and a lot to see before the days end. With a late morning smoko in
Ceduna, it was west again and our last cheap fuel top up at
John’s son in law, Graeme had not been west before and
John wanted to show him where the
Dog Fence terminates, so we made the side trip down into Wahgunyah Conservation Park, coming in from Tower Road. After our lunch at the end of the fence, we made our way back to the Eyre Highway, following the
Dog Fence north to the highway. We were meant to come this way, as around half way along the fence heading north, we came across a sight that I would rather not have come across. A
young Wedge Tail Eagle was caught in a
Dingo trap, so after working out a way freeing the
young bird, all we could do was hope and pray that its leg was not broken and it would live to see a full life.
![Entering the Conservation Park]()
Entering the Conservation Park
![The end of the Dog Fence]()
The end of the Dog Fence
![Track conditions heading to the Coast]()
Track conditions heading to the Coast
![Sea Eagles nest on the edge of the cliff]()
Sea Eagles nest on the edge of the cliff
![Coastal scenery at the end of the Dog Fence]()
Coastal scenery at the end of the Dog Fence
![Fiona enjoying the views while having lunch]()
Fiona enjoying the views while having lunch
![Two types of netting on the Dog Fence]()
Two types of netting on the Dog Fence
![About to pass through the Dog Fence]()
About to pass through the Dog Fence
![Heading North along the Dog Fence back to the Eyre Highway]()
Heading North along the Dog Fence back to the Eyre Highway
![At first I thought the young Wedge Tail Eagle was going to fly off]()
At first I thought the young Wedge Tail Eagle was going to fly off
![It was a very sad sight to see this graceful bird in the trap]()
It was a very sad sight to see this graceful bird in the trap
![We used this tarp to limit the stress on the young eagle]()
We used this tarp to limit the stress on the young eagle
![This dead Dingo did not survive the trap]()
This dead Dingo did not survive the trap
![Changing scenery when heading north to the Eyre Highway]()
Changing scenery when heading north to the Eyre Highway
![A small mob of camels in the Conservation Park]()
A small mob of camels in the Conservation Park
Passing the
Head of the Bight Whale turn off, time was against us to make a visit, as we would need more than half an hour there, so we proceed to where I intended to
camp that night. I then turned off the main highway and drove down a side track with nothing but Bluebush as far as the eye could see, and then in the distance was that patch of timber that I know would make another
great camp. The overcast sky meant a colourful sunset and another great night was had around the campfire. Next morning was still very overcast and the wind was starting to pick up, but at least it was not wet. We drove the last few kilometres to the coast, and then headed west along the coast track, stopping a number of times for photos. After visiting
Wigunda Cave, we took the Old Eyre Highway back to
Nullarbor Roadhouse for a refuel, before heading off for
Watson. It was very reassuring having OziExplorer, as when I enquired with the chap at the Roadhouse about the track to
Watson, he said there was not one, and the only way to get there was via
Cook. So lesson Number 1, in this case, do not seek directions from a local, as he clearly had no idea about what lay on his own back door.
![Time to cook tea at our Nullarbor Camp]()
Time to cook tea at our Nullarbor Camp
![The Sun starting to set]()
The Sun starting to set
![Changing colours on the Nullarbor]()
Changing colours on the Nullarbor
![The Bunda Cliffs]()
The Bunda Cliffs
![The Coastal Track]()
The Coastal Track
![Those Cliffs are unreal]()
Those Cliffs are unreal
![Very old Survey Cairn on the Coast]()
Very old Survey Cairn on the Coast
![They go on as far as the eye can see]()
They go on as far as the eye can see
![Wigunda Cave]()
Wigunda Cave
![Entering the Nullarbor National Park]()
Entering the Nullarbor National Park
![The Main Road to Cook]()
The Main Road to Cook
![We took the Old Eyre Highway back to Nullarbor Roadhouse]()
We took the Old Eyre Highway back to Nullarbor Roadhouse
![The Main Track to Watson]()
The Main Track to Watson
![Bluebush was now the dominant vegetation]()
Bluebush was now the dominant vegetation
![Passing through the old Vermin Fence]()
Passing through the old Vermin Fence
![Old No 6 Bore]()
Old No 6 Bore
![Disappointment Cave]()
Disappointment Cave
![Disappointment Cave]()
Disappointment Cave
At a point that I knew would be the only track heading towards
Watson was an old tyre that was used as a
track marker and we went up on this track and in the general direction that the main
Watson Track was going. Care is needed in these sections, as there are countless wombat warrens, some very large right on the edge of the track and one wrong move and it would be a very big and expensive recovery. Up until
Disappointment Cave, the track was in quite good condition and easy to follow, but from there on, it was just like many other tracks that are in this part of the world, more
limestone rocks than dirt, so care was needed not to damage either tyres or vehicle and
John’s brother in law was to soon find out, when he managed to put 2 very big dents in the rim of his vehicle. Arriving at
Watson, it was time to give Robin a phone call so he could be at the security gates to let us into
![Un-Named Cave on the side of the Track]()
Un-Named Cave on the side of the Track
![Track Conditions north of Disappointment Cave]()
Track Conditions north of Disappointment Cave
![Still heading towards Watson]()
Still heading towards Watson
![Watson Railway Siding]()
Watson Railway Siding
![Bitumen all the way now to Maralinga]()
Bitumen all the way now to Maralinga
![Now entering Aboriginal Land on the way to Maralinga]()
Now entering Aboriginal Land on the way to Maralinga
![The Blowhole on the way to Maralinga]()
The Blowhole on the way to Maralinga
![All access into and out of Maralinga is through this locked gate]()
All access into and out of Maralinga is through this locked gate
We have seen it on maps, but to be on a bitumen road in the middle of the outback was a real change and we headed north towards
Maralinga. It did not take long for the Bluebush to give way to at first very small red dunes and then the dunes became larger and the Mallee vegetation became more dense. Arriving at the security
gate, it was fantastic to finally put a face to the person that I had been communicating with for all those months. With the
gate unlocked, we proceeded to follow Robin into the
Maralinga Village site and we were all shown where we could
camp. Robin gave us a brief rundown of the area, where all the amenities were and were given free range of the Village.
![Old rocket launcher from the testing days]()
Old rocket launcher from the testing days
![Fort Maralinga BBQ area]()
Fort Maralinga BBQ area
![Original old building at Maralinga]()
Original old building at Maralinga
![The old hospital in now Robins home/office complex]()
The old hospital in now Robins home/office complex
![Maralinga water tower and storage tanks]()
Maralinga water tower and storage tanks
![Looking down on the Village from the tower]()
Looking down on the Village from the tower
Next morning we headed out for most of the day on the Range tour, starting off with the town’s
water supply, we learnt how and where the water was channelled from and then proceeded to the airport. After going through the terminal, Robin then showed us the only remaining vehicle that was used during the clean-up stage of
Maralinga, learnt of a few secrets about
the Morgue and underground
bunker and then proceeded out to the runway. This is one runway that has to be seen to be believed and we were told by Robin that it was the only runway in the Southern Hemisphere that was capable of landing the Space Shuttle in the event of an emergency when it was in service. Built to last it was, with not a crack on the surface nearly 60 years after it was constructed. At the touchdown points, the concrete base is 5 metres thick and was designed for a 30 year life expectancy, the then life of the Range and capable of landing the heaviest of aircraft, both then and even now.
![The Range Tour starts off at the dam where all of Maralinga's Water come from]()
The Range Tour starts off at the dam where all of Maralinga's Water come from
![Next stop - Maralinga Airfield]()
Next stop - Maralinga Airfield
![Only remaining vehicle used in the Clean Up will now be located in the Museum]()
Only remaining vehicle used in the Clean Up will now be located in the Museum
![Maralinga Runway - built to last]()
Maralinga Runway - built to last
![Mallee Fowl nest near the Airstrip]()
Mallee Fowl nest near the Airstrip
![The Main Road heading north to the Forward Area]()
The Main Road heading north to the Forward Area
Crossing the runway, we then followed Robin on a dirt track to be shown something special, a working Mallee Fowl nest that is believed to be the only working nest in the
Maralinga area. From there, back on another the dirt track to the northern end of the runway before heading out on the main road to the sites where the nuclear bombs were detonated. Along the way Robin explained just how big this site was, evidence from the countless cement slabs that once housed everything from living quarters, to workshops and everything in between. The site must have been incredible to see when it was in full operation, all under the constant surveillance of the Federal Police who were stationed all over the range and at every track and road
junction, everyone had to report in and then the closer you got to the actual sites, the security was even tighter.
![The Forward Area]()
The Forward Area
![First stop after the Forward Area-Tietkens Well]()
First stop after the Forward Area-Tietkens Well
![Looking down the Well]()
Looking down the Well
![Old Historic Site where the well sinkers lived for 9 months]()
Old Historic Site where the well sinkers lived for 9 months
![Operation Brumby Obelisk]()
Operation Brumby Obelisk
![This Bore area produced the only fresh water in the Maralinga Area]()
This Bore area produced the only fresh water in the Maralinga Area
One piece of history that predated the
Maralinga Range was the
Well that was dug back in 1879 by William Tietkens in the hope of finding good quality water in the hope of opening up the area to pastoralism. The first
well was dry, while with the second
well they did reach water, but it was very salty and of no value to stock or man, and only if they had the insight of Len Beadell. A few kilometres from the site Robin pulled off the road and we all went down into a small depression. It was at this location that Len Beadell suggested that a
bore be sunk and fresh water was found. Of all the other bores that were sunk in the area, this was the only site to yield good quality fresh water and even with constant monitoring by Government Authorities, this water has not been contaminated from all the activities that devastated the landscape further north. After lunch at the
bore site, we then headed to first visit the Taranaki site that was used as the clean area. The only remains now are 2 very large shed structures that were used to clean and service, every day every vehicle that was involved in the clean-up. Also here are the Taranaki pits that were dug to a depth of over 40 metres, where the contaminated waste and
debris from the
test is buried, and with over 50 metres of clean fill on top to safeguard what was buried. From there we went to various ground zeros and other very interesting sites involved in the nuclear testing stages. We had been to the Emu sites twice, but being on the Range Tour was so much more beneficial, as Robin explained how each
test was carried out and other very useful information that explained the sites in detail and we all got a real sense of what it must have been like when the tests were taking place, and as usual, they day was gone and it was time to head back to
Maralinga Village and so ended one day that went far too quick. When I return for another visit and for anyone intending on doing the Range tour, make it over two days, as there is just so much to see and unfortunately we did not have enough time to see all that was to be seen out there, and one day does not do it justice.
![Robin explains the meaning of these signs]()
Robin explains the meaning of these signs
![This perimeter Track skirts the whole Nuclear sites and there are 1980 of those signs on this road]()
This perimeter Track skirts the whole Nuclear sites and there are 1980 of those signs on this road
![The remains of the old Taranaki clean up shed]()
The remains of the old Taranaki clean up shed
![Warning Obelisk]()
Warning Obelisk
![Warning sign at the burial pits]()
Warning sign at the burial pits
![Ground Zero - Taranaki]()
Ground Zero - Taranaki
![In milliseconds, the heat from the blast turned the sand to glass]()
In milliseconds, the heat from the blast turned the sand to glass
![Ground Zero - Breakaway]()
Ground Zero - Breakaway
![Site of an old pit]()
Site of an old pit
![Ground Zero - Marcoo]()
Ground Zero - Marcoo
![The forces of a Nuclear Explosion]()
The forces of a Nuclear Explosion
![Ground Zero - Marcoo]()
Ground Zero - Marcoo
![Smokey Lane]()
Smokey Lane
![The view from on top of the Water Tower]()
The view from on top of the Water Tower
After returning to the village, we took it easy and a couple of us climbed to the top of the water tower, where the 360° degree
views were just superb. Back at the
camp site I was listening to the
HF radio and logged on to the VKS network, as I did each night when the operator called out my call
sign and asked if I was still on channel. The operator was relaying a message from Leigh who was east of
Ooldea and could not raise Robin on the phone, and gave me details of his intended arrival at the security gates. When it was time, Robin and I went to the security gates and I played permit officer, asking for Leigh’s group permits before letting them through the gates…LOL. It was great to now be a full group and to meet the other members of the party.
![Heading out on the main road to Ooldea]()
Heading out on the main road to Ooldea
![Daisy Bates Memorial at Ooldea]()
Daisy Bates Memorial at Ooldea
![Not far from the Daisy Bates Memorial]()
Not far from the Daisy Bates Memorial
![Aboriginal Grave]()
Aboriginal Grave
![The actual site where Daisy Bates lived]()
The actual site where Daisy Bates lived
![Remains Remains of Old Water tins at the site where Daisy Bates lived]()
Remains Remains of Old Water tins at the site where Daisy Bates lived
Next day we all headed south for the day, with our first stop at the
Daisy Bates Memorial near the
Ooldea Railway Siding. From there we visited the site where 2 Aboriginal skeleton that had been in the
Adelaide Museum since the 1800’s were returned to their
home lands and buried in the sand dunes north of the
Ooldea Railway Siding. Not far from here Robin then took us to the actual spot where Daisy
Bates had lived and with knowing this spot, it would have been impossible to find. It was interesting looking around the site and then Robin said he would take us four wheel driving through some of the sand dunes to another special spot. Crossing a couple of very small dunes, we then came to a flat spot and it was then time for all vehicles to drop down our tyre pressures. At this point Robin then said it would be a very good idea to fold in our side mirrors and be prepared for a few scratches on the side of our vehicles.
![Time to drop tyre pressures and engage four wheel drive]()
Time to drop tyre pressures and engage four wheel drive
![Old ruins at the Ooldea Soak site]()
Old ruins at the Ooldea Soak site
![Lunch at Ooldea Soak]()
Lunch at Ooldea Soak
![All the dunes are covered in rock Chipping's from thousands of years occupation by Aboriginals]()
All the dunes are covered in rock Chipping's from thousands of years occupation by Aboriginals
![Old Trig Point out on the Range Tour]()
Old Trig Point out on the Range Tour
![I wonder what this was used for during the tests]()
I wonder what this was used for during the tests
From this point on the Auto Skin that I had applied at
home before the trip had a real good workout, to the point that it was starting to peel off of the mirrors where they were constantly making contact with the very close vegetation. On some of the larger dunes, it brought back memories from when I saw the Tom Kruse
Birdsville Track film, with sheets of iron on the side of the track that have been used countless times over the years to aid in traction in the soft sand while trying to get over the dunes. Arriving in a large flat area, we were now at our destination, the actual
Ooldea Soak site which was to be our lunch stop. After lunch, Robin took us on an informative walk around the sand dunes and pointed out various special sites and told us where the various Aboriginal groups would stay when they all met at this very special location. The history in this area also extend to white people also, with the establishment of the
United Aborigines Mission at this site between 1933 and 1951 and now the forces of nature are slowly covering all traces of the mission, as the sand is covering everything in its path and is reclaiming back this special little oasis in
the desert.
![A fog covered Maralinga]()
A fog covered Maralinga
![A fog covered Maralinga]()
A fog covered Maralinga
Retracing our tracks, the return trip as usual did not take as long and were soon back on solid ground and all reinflating our tyres. Once back at
Maralinga it was an easy afternoon and taking in the last few village sites as we would be leaving in the morning for even more fun out on the
Anne Beadell Highway. To save time the next morning, we packed up the tent and slept out in the swag. Around 2am I woke and I could not believe what I was seeing. Instead of clear desert night skies, the village was covered in an eerie mist as the whole area was engulfed in a very dense fog that lasted until around 8am the next morning.
![Wildflowers lined the track on our way to the Anne Beadell Highway]()
Wildflowers lined the track on our way to the Anne Beadell Highway
![Every home should have one - a solar powered raingauge]()
Every home should have one - a solar powered raingauge
![What were these used for??]()
What were these used for??
![Track Conditions]()
Track Conditions
![Track Conditions]()
Track Conditions
![Old items used at Emu - alongside the Emu Claypan runway]()
Old items used at Emu - alongside the Emu Claypan runway
Reluctantly we said our farewells to Robin and over the next few days made our way to the Anne Beadell and then proceeded to our first
camp up on the
Dingo Claypan Road. Next morning it was still further north and then as we crested a small
sand dune,
Dingo Claypan was in full view. The surface looked damp, but it was just the reflection of the sun and like all of these types of Claypans, the surface was very solid and as smooth as silk to drive on. We all headed out for a group photo at the old wind sock. We were surprised to see that the landing runway was still lined with old tyres from when it was first put in use by Len Beadell, over 60 years ago. Changing direction, we now headed in a north-west direct to reach our next goal – the 300 Mile Marker. With group photos again and a good walk around this remote location, we slowly made our way back towards the Anne Beadell.
![Emu Claypan Runway]()
Emu Claypan Runway
![The Great Victoria Desert was in full bloom]()
The Great Victoria Desert was in full bloom
![Old Scaffolding at Emu]()
Old Scaffolding at Emu
![The unreal Great Victoria Desert]()
The unreal Great Victoria Desert
![Ever changing colours of the Great Victoria Desert]()
Ever changing colours of the Great Victoria Desert
![Our camp on the way up to Dingo Claypan]()
Our camp on the way up to Dingo Claypan
![The locals were photographic]()
The locals were photographic
![Dingo Claypan]()
Dingo Claypan
![Old Wind Sock structure on Dingo Claypan]()
Old Wind Sock structure on Dingo Claypan
![Lined up on Dingo Claypan]()
Lined up on Dingo Claypan
![Old fuel drums at Dingo Claypan]()
Old fuel drums at Dingo Claypan
![Dingo Claypan fuel dump]()
Dingo Claypan fuel dump
![The track at the north of Dingo Claypan]()
The track at the north of Dingo Claypan
![Leaving Dingo Claypan]()
Leaving Dingo Claypan
![The track to the 300 Mile Marker]()
The track to the 300 Mile Marker
![Still on the way to the 300 Mile Marker]()
Still on the way to the 300 Mile Marker
![The 300 Mile plaque]()
The 300 Mile plaque
![Original Len Beadell 300 Mile Marker]()
Original Len Beadell 300 Mile Marker
![The 300 Mile Marker plaques]()
The 300 Mile Marker plaques
![The motley crew at the 300 Mile Markers]()
The motley crew at the 300 Mile Markers
![A larger mob of camels near the 300 Mile Markers]()
A larger mob of camels near the 300 Mile Markers
Once back onto the corrugations, we then went to the two Totem sites to show those in the group that had not been here before what these sites were like. Without the knowledge of Robin, these sites did not have the same impact of the
Maralinga sites, with a full run down on the events that took place at each site.
![East of Emu on the Anne Beadell Highway]()
East of Emu on the Anne Beadell Highway
![Camera Site C on the edge of the Anne Beadell Highway]()
Camera Site C on the edge of the Anne Beadell Highway
![Dingo Claypan Track turn off]()
Dingo Claypan Track turn off
![Track into the two Totem sites]()
Track into the two Totem sites
![Ground Zero Totem 1 Site]()
Ground Zero Totem 1 Site
![This sand went to black glass at Totem 1]()
This sand went to black glass at Totem 1
![Ground Zero - Totem 2]()
Ground Zero - Totem 2
![View from the Lookout out to the 2 Totem Sites]()
View from the Lookout out to the 2 Totem Sites
![The Totem test were viewed from this Lookout]()
The Totem test were viewed from this Lookout
![The view from the Lookout]()
The view from the Lookout
![Our Camp at Emu]()
Our Camp at Emu
![The Auto Skin had a real test - a large branch hit the side of the car and caused it to peel back]()
The Auto Skin had a real test - a large branch hit the side of the car and caused it to peel back
Heading back again, we crossed over the Anne Beadell and went to the
lookout area from where the nuclear tests were observed from, and what a
vantage point it is, as it is the highest piece of land for a long way and perfect uninterrupted
views to the two Totem site. From there we all headed back to a good camping spot near the Emu
Airstrip and again enjoyed the tranquillity of the
Great Victoria Desert. The next morning we could feel the cold air on our faces while inside our very warm swag and when I ventured out to re kindle the fire, it was to be our coldest night for the trip, with the temperature at -1.7° Degrees. With everything packed up it was time to head further west and so our day began as we headed out past the old
airstrip and west out on the
Anne Beadell Highway.
![Leaving Emu]()
Leaving Emu
![The Anne Beadell Highway heading west]()
The Anne Beadell Highway heading west
![Mallee on the edge of the Anne Beadell Highway]()
Mallee on the edge of the Anne Beadell Highway
![The Anne Beadell Highway]()
The Anne Beadell Highway
![The Anne Beadell Highway]()
The Anne Beadell Highway
![Ever changing scenery along the Anne Beadell Highway]()
Ever changing scenery along the Anne Beadell Highway
I retained my position as Tail End Charlie, as I did not want to hold up anyone that was travelling behind me, as I was constantly stopping to take photos of either the
wildflowers, or the general scenery of the Track. It did not seem very long when we returned to the wrecked Jayco that had now been out here for over two years. It was nearly two years to the day when we first came across the then broken down Jayco.
![This old Jayco has now been here just over 2 years and now look at it]()
This old Jayco has now been here just over 2 years and now look at it
![Anne's Corner]()
Anne's Corner
![Anne's Corner Marker]()
Anne's Corner Marker
![Ever changing flora along the Anne Beadell Highway]()
Ever changing flora along the Anne Beadell Highway
![Anne Beadell Highway]()
Anne Beadell Highway
From paperwork inside the van back then, it had only been there less than six weeks from a food docket that was still inside it, with most of the inside still intact. Two years down the track and it had been completely stripped and it was just now a shell and anything that could be used at all, even all the cupboard doors had been stripped and used for who knows what. It was while at the wrecked van site that we met the only other vehicles during our time out on the Anne Beadell. The drive was great and it was great to be back out here with the scenery and vegetation constantly changing.
![Still heading west towards Voakes Hill]()
Still heading west towards Voakes Hill
![Anne Beadell Highway]()
Anne Beadell Highway
![The Anne Beadell Highway]()
The Anne Beadell Highway
![The first large patches of Spinifew still heading west along the Anne Beadell Highway]()
The first large patches of Spinifew still heading west along the Anne Beadell Highway
![More changing scenery along the Anne Beadell Highway]()
More changing scenery along the Anne Beadell Highway
![Anne Beadell Highway]()
Anne Beadell Highway
![There are sections of the Anne Beadell where it gets quite close to the sides of your vehicle]()
There are sections of the Anne Beadell where it gets quite close to the sides of your vehicle
![The Marble Gums start to make a feature along the Anne Beadell Highway]()
The Marble Gums start to make a feature along the Anne Beadell Highway
![The further west you travel, they just get better]()
The further west you travel, they just get better
The day soon passed and we were now at
Voakes Hill Corner, as far west as we were going to go on this trip. While travelling during that day and if we had spare time, we were going to travel a little further west to where the give way
sign is located, around 10 kilometres west of the actual corner and follow the track that leads off of the
Anne Beadell Highway to see just where it went. Putting a call out over the UHF and asking if anyone was interested in going out to
Voakes Hill, I did not have any takers, so we soon found a
good camp site on the
Cook track and set up
camp for the night and all collected wood for the fire. Intending to take it easy for the rest of the afternoon,
John came up to me and said that he would be interested in heading to find out where that track went, so
John, Bev, Graham and I headed out in what we thought would be a fairly short and quick drive.
![Leigh and Fiona by the Voakes Hill Corner Marker]()
Leigh and Fiona by the Voakes Hill Corner Marker
![Voakes Hill Corner Marker]()
Voakes Hill Corner Marker
![Ooldea Mallee in flower on top of Voakes Hill]()
Ooldea Mallee in flower on top of Voakes Hill
![Ooldea Mallee flower]()
Ooldea Mallee flower
![The view from the highest point in the area - Voakes Hill]()
The view from the highest point in the area - Voakes Hill
![Marble Gum on top of the sand dune at Voakes Hill]()
Marble Gum on top of the sand dune at Voakes Hill
Arriving at the give way
sign, we changed direction and followed the track as it twisted and turned and slowly gained altitude as the dunes became a little higher, then only to drop down in a small valley and lose all the altitude that we had gained. Around forty minutes later, the track ended at the bottom of a larger dune and the GPS showed that we were now at the actual
Voakes Hill. My Elevation agreed with what the topo maps had, but there was only one problem, we were not at the top of the dune, so after a very short walk and around eight metres higher, the top of this dune gave commanding
views to way out into the
Great Victoria Desert, and at long last, we now had been to the actual
Voakes Hill. After the usual photos and marking the top of the dune as a new waypoint, we headed back to
camp, arriving just before 6.30pm and nearly two hours after setting out. The most attractive parts of the drive for me personally were the large Marble Gums that were growing all through the area and then there would be the dense pockets of Mallee that added to the constant change in scenery.
![Very overcast conditions at the Christmas Tree Mulga stand]()
Very overcast conditions at the Christmas Tree Mulga stand
![Heading down the Cook Track]()
Heading down the Cook Track
![Leaving the Conservation Park]()
Leaving the Conservation Park
![Waldana Well]()
Waldana Well
![Len Beadell Marker on the Cook Track]()
Len Beadell Marker on the Cook Track
![The Country is now starting to open up]()
The Country is now starting to open up
![Another Len Beadell Marker]()
Another Len Beadell Marker
![Changing scenery heading south on the Cook Track]()
Changing scenery heading south on the Cook Track
![This section was a real super Highway - but it did not last]()
This section was a real super Highway - but it did not last
![Back to a good single car width track]()
Back to a good single car width track
![The Spinifex was very high on the side of the track in this section]()
The Spinifex was very high on the side of the track in this section
Next morning our southwards travel was very easy going, but again there was the odd bush that would brush against the side of the car and was saved by the Auto Skin. We made many stops along this section of track, as there was a lot to see in the way of Len Beadell markers, old wells and
rock holes. The scenery was ever changing and the further we headed south, the greater the change from soft sand dunes covered in Mallee to open out and eventually return to the Bluebush covered plains. It was getting near
camp time and the
lookout was on for a suitable
camp site, as where we were now,
limestone covered plains with the occasions stand of small mulga made finding a
campsite a little more interesting.
![Back into sand dune country and Mallee]()
Back into sand dune country and Mallee
![Once out of the sand country, the track condition changes again]()
Once out of the sand country, the track condition changes again
![Changing Scenery]()
Changing Scenery
![If we did not find a camp soon........]()
If we did not find a camp soon........
![The Bluebush was now the dominant vegetation with still a few Mulga trees]()
The Bluebush was now the dominant vegetation with still a few Mulga trees
![Old Steel tank on the side of the track]()
Old Steel tank on the side of the track
![Back into native grasses]()
Back into native grasses
![Ever changing vegetation]()
Ever changing vegetation
![Even this Dingo finds it a very hard life out here on the Nullarbor Plain - North of Cook]()
Even this Dingo finds it a very hard life out here on the Nullarbor Plain - North of Cook
After finding such a site off of the track the conditions changer and it was now a little windy, so care was needed around the fire. As we had encountered a number of times during the trip, the howls of Dingos were heard once the sun had set, and I personally love to hear them call, as it is a symbol of the true Australian Outback.
![The country is now as flat as a billiard table]()
The country is now as flat as a billiard table
![Even the birds have to use this man made Trig Towers to build their nests in]()
Even the birds have to use this man made Trig Towers to build their nests in
![Bluebush now all the way into Cook]()
Bluebush now all the way into Cook
![Old historic cells at Cook]()
Old historic cells at Cook
![Railway structures in Cook]()
Railway structures in Cook
![Water tower - Cook]()
Water tower - Cook
![Time to leave the group and travel Solo on the Caravan Track]()
Time to leave the group and travel Solo on the Caravan Track
Even though
our camp was a little more than 60 kilometres north of
Cook, it still took us till lunch time to get there, as we were still constantly stopping for many features along the way. On our arrival in
Cook, it looked funny to see everyone get their phones out and then everyone was in depth conversations with the outside world and catching up on family and business affairs. To be on the safe side, I left our vehicle on the northern side of the railway line, just in case a train came along and so we did not get stranded and lose lots of time, as Fiona and I were now leaving the group and heading off solo, not south like everyone else, but taking a track called the Caravan Track that Robin had told us about. Bidding our final farewells to everyone, we headed back out past the
old quarry and then headed off on a two wheel track in a north easterly direction. Unlike the drive down from
Voakes Hill in the lower section, this track had fewer rocks on the track and it was very easy to maintain a slow, but comfortable and steady speed. This track was a very enjoyable drive and because of the lack of vegetation, there were 360° degree uninterrupted
views, with the only
sign of life were the Wedge Tailed eagles circling above and a few dingos. Unlike other dingos that we had come across, the moment that they saw or heard our vehicle, they were off at a very fast rate and this told us that someone had tried to shoot them at some stage.
![Quick lunch stop on the Caravan Track]()
Quick lunch stop on the Caravan Track
![Baby Wedge Tail Eagle checking out the strangers on the Block]()
Baby Wedge Tail Eagle checking out the strangers on the Block
![This very small tree was used for the Wedge Tail Eagle nest]()
This very small tree was used for the Wedge Tail Eagle nest
![This old car did not make the distance]()
This old car did not make the distance
![The Old Car]()
The Old Car
![The Rabbits out here were in the Hundreds and Hundreds]()
The Rabbits out here were in the Hundreds and Hundreds
We have been in some remote
places before, but this track was up there with the remotest track we had been on and break down out here without any reliable long range communication would have been life threatening. For tracks such as this and when travelling solo, safety is always my main priority and for that very reason, we always have and carry a PLB, have the
HF Radio and also a Satellite Phone, and as they say, it is better to be safe than sorry. As far as we know, Robin is now about the only person that ever uses this track when he has to make a trip down to
Cook, which is not very often. Our first great sight along the track was to see a
young Wedge Tail Eagle in its nest, only metres above the ground in a very small tree. Mum and Dad were circling above and the
young chick would poke its head out over the nest to see who the stranger was, then duck down again. The further east that we were travelling, the landscape was changing drastically, not in vegetation, but like mini
mine fields. The rabbits out here were now in the hundreds, if not thousands and were all in a very healthy condition. Some would dash for their warrens the moment that they would hear or see our approaching vehicle, while others would just sit there and watch us drive by. Around three and a half hours into the drive and still at least 60 kilometres from the main
Maralinga Road, we saw a very familiar white Toyota heading out way.
![This Dingo was off the moment that it heard our vehicle coming]()
This Dingo was off the moment that it heard our vehicle coming
![Bush Turkey]()
Bush Turkey
We knew immediately who it was pulled over for a chat. In a very serious voice “Do you have permits for out here” Robin asked, and then he laughed. What we did not know at the time, was that Leigh had been speaking to Robin while he was in
Cook so he know we were somewhere along the track. Robin was out here to shoot a few Rabbits for the Aboriginal women at
Oak Valley, where he was heading for the next day. It was great to see Robin again and our quick chat turned into at least 20 minutes. Back on our way again, we were soon at the Main Road and headed north for a very short distance, before heading back on the Main
Yalata Road, the same road that we had been on less than 2 weeks before when Robin had taken us to
Ooldea. It was then that we know our great trip was over and in 2 days’ time; we were back
home to cleaning the car, washing all our cloths from the trip and the usual household chores that take place when not on holidays.
![Back at the Ooldea Railway Siding]()
Back at the Ooldea Railway Siding
![The bitumen started around 80 odd kilometres north of the Eyre Highway - it now seemed that the trip was over]()
The bitumen started around 80 odd kilometres north of the Eyre Highway - it now seemed that the trip was over
This was one trip that I can highly recommend and if you ever get the opportunity, you will not be disappointed. If you have health fears, have a listen to this link to put your mind at ease, as there are still many myths about the area and others that are giving out false information.