A few overnight showers, a new HT cable, fuel tanks and fridges full – it was time to head east. Our first destination was
Normans Beach on the
western boundary of the Waychinicup NP.
![Normans Beach]()
Normans Beach
The drive out was uneventful, on bitumen until the last few kilometres, then on a good, formed gravel road. The
free camping area there is right beside an inlet and would be a great place to launch a canoe. The
camping area is quite small, and there was a newish drop
toilet. One caravan was set up there when we arrived, and a motorhome pulled in later.
We set up and put our tarps over the tent as the forecast was for more showers, although they held off until later in the afternoon. After lunch we set out to
the beach a couple of hundred metres away via a gravel path that cuts through low heath and affords lovely
views over the inlet. The path ends at the top of a long flight of steps down to
the beach which is said to be a good
fishing spot. The sand on
the beach was very soft and made for hard walking, so we only went far enough to get a feel for the place. There was a booming surf, which, with the big
granite boulders, and looming
granite peaks under cloudy skies gave the place a sombre, majestic appearance.
![A monochrome landscape under a leaden sky]()
A monochrome landscape under a leaden sky
It was almost a monochrome landscape of white and muted greys, with greens, enlivened by the breakers and a few terns defying the brisk wind. The inlet would have been connected to the sea at high tide, and we were sorry that we did not have our boat so that we could have explored around it.
Next morning was cool and showery and we spent most of it sitting under the awning of our neighbours, Bob and Wendy, sharing travel stories. They had done a lot of outback tracks in their trusty Nissan ute, so we had plenty in common to keep the chat flowing. Later in the afternoon after more showers had cleared we took another walk to
the beach. This time it was calm and there were wonderful reflections in the water of the inlet.
![Reflection in the inlet]()
Reflection in the inlet
Later still we walked back along the access road, following occasional tracks into the heath where a few flowers made splashes of colour. The whole
camp area is surrounded by WA Christmas trees, though there were no flowers at this time of the year. They are fascinating plants though, with their strange fleshy leaves and trunks.
After another showery night and despite a forecast for strong winds we decided to move on the next morning. We hoped to find a more sheltered spot to sit out the passage of an approaching front.
As we drove out on the gravel road we came
![Carpet Python enjoying a sunny day]()
Carpet Python enjoying a sunny day
across a beautiful 2m long carpet python slowly making its way across a sunny spot on the road. It was a timely reminder that although it was still early spring (September), snakes were starting to move about.
Making our way east, on and off the bitumen we had some stops to photograph
wildflowers. We were seeing more brilliant red
![Brilliant red Leuchenaultia]()
Brilliant red Leuchenaultia
Leuchenaultias, which although small are real favourites of ours. At one spot a recent fire had triggered an explosion of brilliant
orange pea flowers. We stumbled around among the burnt shrubs taking photos while trying to keep our clothes from getting totally covered in soot.
![Spectacular carpet of pea flowers]()
Spectacular carpet of pea flowers
We eventually found our way to the
Cape Riche campground at
Cheyne Inlet. This is a big council-run
camping area that probably gets very busy over summer. This day though there was only one other camper there.
![A whale vertebra found on a local beach]()
A whale vertebra found on a local beach
We had a chat to the caretaker and marvelled at the huge whale vertebra that adorns
the entrance, then went off to find what we hoped would be a sheltered spot.
Once set up we drove out exploring some of the local tracks. One took us down past an inlet from where we walked out towards the cape. There were good
views out to Cheyne Island and east across the expanse of Cheyne Bay. The Cape had an abundance of lovely pink rice flowers (Pimelea) and we were surprised to find a few orchids, including one that we had not seen before.
![A new orchid - well, new to us that is. Dragon Orchid]()
A new orchid - well, new to us that is. Dragon Orchid
On our way
home Val almost walked on a couple of small but very lively snakes, though a couple of goannas had better judgement and scuttled out of our paths.
Towards evening the wind dropped but there were a few light showers. There was no surf in the bay, just little waves shushing gently on the sand and piles of drifted seagrass. Despite a calm sea there were no whales to be seen, although sightings are not uncommon.
Next morning the wind strengthened, and the forecast was for gales reaching 100kph or more. Unfortunately the wind direction also changed and our supposed sheltered spot was now open to the full force of the northerly wind.
![Camp at Cape Riche]()
Camp at Cape Riche
At least Troopy was facing into the wind so our tent was secure. The worst thing was the blowing stinging sand and ash coming off the bare
campground. The only thing to do was to sit out the weather, so we spent much of the day reading. A couple of short walks down to
the beach revealed a sea covered with whitecaps and drifts of seafoam on
the beach.
![Whitecaps whipped up by the wind, Cheyne Inlet]()
Whitecaps whipped up by the wind, Cheyne Inlet
Towards dusk the front came through with wild wind and a few thundery showers. Cooking was out of the question so we had a scratch meal and turned in early.
By next morning the wind had eased off and swung around to the SW so we were semi-sheltered again, and the rain had damped down the dust. It was still a bit showery so we decided to stay another day in the hope that the weather would clear. The caretaker there sells a wheelbarrow load of mallee roots for firewood, so we decided that a good fire would be cheerful. For $5 we were astonished at the big heap of wood that we got. Soon we had a good fire going, safe in an old half 44gal drum. Throughout the day we drank lots of tea, had soup, made a damper and made a campoven stew that would stretch for 2 nights. The change had brought cooler weather in its wake, but we were warm beside the fire. Down on
the beach huge fresh mounds of seagrass were piled up, but the sea was calm again.
The next morning was still drizzly but we decided it was time to get back on the road. The damp sand made packing up something of a trial, but soon we were on our way. We had an uneventful drive to
Bremer Bay, where we bought a few groceries and spent some time online catching up with emails. That done we set off again making for
Point Ann in the Fitzgerald river NP.
The road in to Pt. Ann
![Proposed improvements for Pt. Ann]()
Proposed improvements for Pt. Ann
was being upgraded and sealed, so was better than we had previously experienced. Although there were fewer flowers than we had hoped for, there were plenty of scarlet banksias, and the
![Royal hakea]()
Royal hakea
Royal Hakeas were magnificent, glowing in the sunlight.
![Swamp daisies]()
Swamp daisies
The swamp daisies were abundant too, so we were
well satisfied.
The coast was till the same brilliant turquoise and the
camping area, though busy had a couple of suitable vacant spots, and after a chat with the
young ranger we settled in.
![St Mary Camp]()
St Mary Camp
By now the weather had cleared but it was quite cold, and no campfires are allowed in the NP. The upside of this policy is that the ground in the campsites is clean and white, compared to the
grey loose sand/ash mixture at
Cape Riche.
We had two nights at Pt. Ann and the weather remained cold and windy, although it was good weather for walking on
the beach.
![Whales just off the beach at Pt. Ann]()
Whales just off the beach at Pt. Ann
There were a number of whales about, lazing with their calves just beyond the small breakers, a magnificent sight. When the sun was out the sea was a brilliant turquoise blue over the blinding white sand.
![The beautiful beach at Pt. Ann]()
The beautiful beach at Pt. Ann
A better view of the whales can be had from the two big whale watching platforms, although it was very windy and cold on those exposed structures.
![Whale watching platform]()
Whale watching platform
Along the paths over the headland a few flowers nestled in sheltered spots. We spotted an early sun orchid making a vivid splash of colour.
![Sun orchid]()
Sun orchid
We drove around to
Trigelow Beach and down the 4WD track (protected by sheets of rubber matting) that goes to
the beach.
![Grand sweep of Trigelow Beach - spot the whales]()
Grand sweep of Trigelow Beach - spot the whales
The bottom section of the track had been washed out, so there was no
beach access. At the top of that track we sat for a while and watched a procession of whales as they swam slowly west from the point, at times joined by a pod of curious dolphins.
![Whale and calf with dolphins, Trigelow Beach]()
Whale and calf with dolphins, Trigelow Beach
As we packed up next morning we had a visitor in the form of a small snake that went under Troopy before heading off into the bush. Another even smaller one was sunning itself on the road. Our tally of snake sightings was now 6 in a few days.
We left Pt Ann going via Quiss Road, a route that took us through the park. There were plenty of gum trees in flower but not many other flowers. Back on the highway we stopped for a cuppa at a big free
campsite close to where the road crosses the Fitzgerald River, and as is our habit we walked around looking for good campsites. Like many such areas the best sites are
well back from the highway down rough side tracks.
We soon turned off the highway, heading back into the national park. The road towards East Mt. Barren has some great
views across the park but it was quite corrugated.
![View over the eastern part of the vast Fitzgerald River NP]()
View over the eastern part of the vast Fitzgerald River NP
The new road under construction now extends west beyond that rugged peak. Despite the strong wind and showery conditions we had a couple of photo stops, especially to look more closely at the very unusual Eucalyptus sepulchralis.
![Banksia lemanniana with up-side-down flowerspikes]()
Banksia lemanniana with up-side-down flowerspikes
![Wispy Eucalyptus sepulchralis]()
Wispy Eucalyptus sepulchralis
There is a small stand of these unusual willowy gums near East Mt. Barren, where they grow among equally unusual Banksia lemanniana with their upside-down flower spikes.
It was too windy to stop at East Mt. Barren. The sea and sky were a threatening leaden
grey colour. In an attempt to find a sheltered spot for lunch we drove down below the
lookout where we found that the old
campground had been completely rebuilt following the fire a few years back. Despite a budget that must have been exceedingly generous, we were disappointed with the result.
The new
campground is very small, with only a dozen or so very small sites.
![New campsites are very small]()
New campsites are very small
Caravans are apparently not welcome as they would have trouble fitting onto the sites. Nearby was a vast
parking area with about 50 sealed car and bus
parking bays. There were new environmentally correct
toilets, with lavish landscaping, sculptures, seats and signage.
![Lavish landscaping]()
Lavish landscaping
All very impressive but we did wonder whether the park planners had their spending priorities a bit askew. We also hoped that the proposed “development” at Pt. Ann did not suffer a similar fate.
From there we drove into
Hopetoun, which looked more cheerful than we had seen it on previous visits. There we restocked and considered where we might spend the next night.