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Fitzgerald River National Park
Western Australia
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Access to Point Ann is 2WD accessible and is popular from June to the end of October when southern right whales can be seen cavorting in the bay on most days during the whale season. The dramatic peaks of the Barrens Range form a spectacular backdrop to the view over the bay.During summer, southern right whales prefer the open ocean, away from the coast, but during early winter and spring the cows come in close to shore. There, near the surf line in sheltered bays, they give birth to their
young, before returning to deeper waters as summer approaches. On average, they calve once every three years. Newborn animals are between four and a half to six metres long and weigh approximately one and a half tonnes. Other activities include walking the Point Ann
Heritage Trail, beachcombing, swimming and fishing.Stay at the
St Mary Campground walking distance from
the beach (see separate listing for details).