A taste of the Canning - Videos to motivate (or make you hesitate!) (Update; 20/2/15 - Gravity Lake)

Monday, Jan 05, 2015 at 16:56


Over the years I've been fortunate enough to travel on various sections of the Canning. I was able to capture my most recent trips on Video and whilst many of these are sprinkled throughout my blogs, I thought I'd group them together here to give you a taste of the conditions you can expect along the way.

Let me say that yes, the dunes are high and sandy, yes the corrugations are as terrible as they are plentiful but, on a trip of 2000 km or so they are only part of the varied landscapes you will drive through. The Canning is truly one of the great outback journeys and with forethought, research and planning, is an achievable and a memorable journey.

Here, in video form, is a representative sample of the conditions you can expect to encounter along the way as well as a few of the many highlights.


Heading south to Well 50

Heading south 30 km north of Well 33

Georgia Bore to Well 24 - Corrugations and Mishaps



Wells 49 down to 46 and Breaden Hills

Helena Springs turnoff south (Wells 41 - 36)

Well 45 - 44 and the country thereabouts


Durba Spring

Helena Spring

Gulveda Soak - Well 50

Warrabudda Soak (On the track to Helena Spring)

Gravity Lake


''We knew from the experience of well-known travelers that the
trip would doubtless be attended with much hardship.''
Richard Maurice - 1903
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