"Destination Unknown" Day 3 - Damply into the Flinders Ranges we go.

Sunday, Jul 03, 2011 at 00:00


Sunday 3rd July, 2011

The wise decision in choosing a sandy based campsite can never be underestimated. We arose to another grey dawn and a camp that had suffered a thorough soaking during the night. Thankfully, the area had drained very well. Hugh was heard pottering about in the darkness of the early morning, soon followed by Johnno. They had managed to coax the fire back to life meaning that I didn’t have to lie in bed for too long waiting for someone to get it lit. Warming jaffles once again and then it was a matter of finding the best way to get the wet things squared away. Both Jack and the CP had suffered a bit of inundation during the night so both sleeping bags were quite damp as were a set of clothing that had been stored inside the swag.

The threatening skies were still spitting rain when we ventured down into the creek and back to the main track. Thankfully the early morning break and strong winds had dried the track out to a large extent. As we headed into the eastern foothills of the Flinders. The Bunkers Range and slightly more easterly Little Bunkers Range provide exciting hints of the country to come and then suddenly, you are through them on the rise with a broad expanse before you and the ramparts of the Flinders blue in the distance. Great scenery. I had to swerve to avoid a lethargic shingle back (stumpy Tail) lizard and bought the big unit to a screaming halt so the boys could have a look. The reptile was still a bit cold so very sluggish and seemingly nonplussed by his sudden rush of visitors. I suppose being harassed by something that’s not trying to eat you in the first seconds of the encounter is the better of many options. After a few photos, sleepy was moved to a safer location by the road side and we were heading west again.

Once passed the Woolshed, the track improved no end. In no time at all we were on the main Blinman road and bitumen. We headed south west towards Wilpena taking in the frigid and windswept view from Huck’s lookout. There wasn’t much to see with all the low hanging cloud that’s for sure. my attention was drawn to a fellow also parked at the lookout. He had the HJ75 series ute with a 6 wheel drive conversion. Nice looking unit.

The mornings conversation over the UHF revolved around the weather and the threat of impending rain. Not wanting to appear too soft, I suggested Wilpena where at least we might secure some dryers for the wet clothes etc. Naturally that type of conversation only led further till before I knew it, we were dropping our muddy boots at the front door of the Wilpena resort and booking motel rooms. Why the hell not. It’s still an adventure.

Rooms secured we wasted no time in getting a few loads of washing done. The sun had emerged by early afternoon so the car park area was festooned with swags and tents being dried. Sleeping bags were spread out in rooms and the heaters turned on. The boys took a stroll to the nearby hills while the adults enjoyed an afternoon aperitif. Dinner was had at the local bistro. Chicken Parma and a bottle of red (or two). Now this is the way a “boys adventure” should be conducted.

''We knew from the experience of well-known travelers that the
trip would doubtless be attended with much hardship.''
Richard Maurice - 1903
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