Saturday 7th July, 2012
Rudall River
The magnificent pool at the Gorge end - reward for all our work (and the hike in)
Today was simply a great day, a day of discovery and the feeling of elation that comes with it. Karlamilyi/Rudall never lets me down and proves once again that time spent scouring maps and satellite images is never wasted. Certainly today was a highlight on which to finish this years desert sojourn.

The pool at the gorge mouth - hard to negotiate head on
I had a torrid night with the rash and eventually succumbed lathering up with steroidal based cream from
first aid kit. It certainly eased the itching enough for me to get to sleep. The damn thing has gotten inside my ears though and I can feel the side of my face beginning to swell. It was a late and reluctant rise into a magnificent wind free morning, as crisp and clear as only a desert morning can be. Pretty quickly bacon and eggs were sizzling on the BBQ plate followed by a bit of quad maintenance and preparation. Loading waypoints into
John’s trusty old Garmin GPS, I prepared a bit of a mud-map with distances and turns gleaned from cached Google Earth images and we were off again on another voyage of discovery.

The hidden cave
It took us a while to find a place to negotiate the creek that runs from the DQB
gorge to the north of our
campsite but when finally across we had a relatively easy run along the northern ramparts of the Broadhurst Ranges.

Suzette exploring the cave entrance
Our route would take us to the end of the range where the rugged
sandstone gives way to the remorseless parallel dunes of the
Little Sandy Desert. It was a journey of roughly 4.5 kilometres from the DQB
camp area and while this might not sound like a great distance, it does take some negotiating due to tough conditions. The way is punctuated by many creeks, rills and washaways chaanelling the runoff from the ranges out into the thirsty sands. Finally, with all these obstacles carefully negotiated, we cut between the last line of the low hills we were out onto the grevillea covered dunes. Again we had to push through thick scrub to negotiate our way to
the gorge mouth. Had it not been for the high
rock walls of
the gorge mouth, we may have missed it entirely due to the explosion of
young eucalypt saplings choking the creek and entrance.

Inside the cave
It was time to trade the mechanical conveyance for boot leather. Leaving the quads at
the gorge mouth and we followed the rocky creek bed south into
the gorge and immediately encountered a large
pool of brackish water which we were unable to negotiate.

Heading further into the Broadhurst Ranges
forcing us to backtrack and attempt to locate a less congested path on the other side of the creek. Crossing the creek
well out of
the gorge, we moved through an area of Spinifex and then dropped back into
the gorge just after the end of the brackish
pool and began navigating the rocky floor. Within 100 metres we made our first discovery. Hidden behind a stand of broad leafed wattle was a large, deep
cave disturbing an owl from his
resting place as we entered. It was some 30 metres deep and of sufficient proportions to allow me to easily stand in areas at the back of the
cave. It was warm and fetid with the roof stained black, a sure
sign that it would have been an excellent place for the earliest inhabitants of the land to escape the winds of
the desert.

Conglomerate surface
Moving on we wound our way deeper into
the gorge and the
Broadhurst Range. At times we were hemmed by rocky walls over 30 metres high.
The gorge floor supported many large white gums, wattle trees and Spinifex grasses. The first evidence that permanent water was to be found in
the gorge was the astonishing amount of birdlife within the confines of
the gorge. Each time we stopped to rest,

High walls at times
the birds would gather. Sitting quietly we spied Painted and Zebra Finches, a hovering goshawk, honeyeaters squabbling and martins swooping and diving as they annoyed a drifting hawk. Dry pools in many areas of
the gorge were ringed in deep black indicating water had often sat there for prolonged periods. Rounding one particular bend, I noticed a
rock face through the trees ahead and caught the glimpse of reflected light rippling across it. It was obvious that the reflections were caused by water but not knowing exactly what to expect I kept the possibility mum from my companions until we arrived to

Painted Finch (Emblema pictum)
find that the high
rock wall protected a
pool of crystal clear water. Sheltered by rocky walls on three sides,
the pool was
well protected and fed by water slowly seeped from the surrounding
rock. The water was clear and sweet with a sharp tang of
granite. It was a truly beautiful spot. The sheer wall expanded across
the gorge and was a good six metres high. It would have made for an amazing sight with water cascading over it. Such was its height that we were forced to climb up the
rock face 
Honey eater
on the southern side of
the gorge clambering along narrow ledges to reach the rocky floor above to continue.
As we progressed higher along
the gorge, the floor often widened lulling us into the belief that we were reaching the tablelands at the top of
the gorge yet we were constantly surprised to round a bend and be confined by high, sheer walls once again. In some areas, wide sheets of brown conglomerate crossed the entire floor of
the gorge. Huge tumbled boulders bordered long pools of rank water, an obvious source of moisture for the local animal
population by the number of wallaby and animal and bird tracks in the sand around its edges.

The spring fed pool
We finally arrived at the head of
the gorge to find a magnificent
pool over six metres deep and sheltered on three sides by high walls. The main drop face of
the pool was eight metres high or more. Finding a shady spot by the pools edge we took a break and absorbed the peacefulness

Stumbling onto the second find of the day
of this amazing place. I climbed around the eastern wall above
the pool to take pictures of the surrounding tablelands. The rugged stony rises are no country for the feint hearted let me tell you (as I know from bitter experience). From this elevated
vantage point I was also able to get an accurate assessment of just how deep
the pool was which I put at as least six meters in depth and even deeper in the south west corner. All this indicated that it was a source of reliable water for the early inhabitants.

Painted Finch (Emblema pictum)
It seemed incredible to me that given the significance of the
water hole we had located, that there was no art evident on the surrounding rocks. It is usually something we keep an eye out for. On taking our leave of this remarkable place and commencing the trek back to the quads, we had only walked a hundred metres or so when my attention was drawn to weathered patterns on some of
the rock faces on the eastern wall of
the gorge. I stopped to stare at striations in
rock and realised that

Natural seepage feeding the pool
something wasn’t quite right. The marks in
the rock didn’t look natural and indeed they weren’t! We’d located some petroglyphs and figures carved into the rocks. Most exciting for me was that the style of the work was directly comparable to the spectacular etchings I had seen in the Calvert Ranges where the patterns have been worn into
the rock rather than scratched. While this work appeared to be incomplete (a supposition on my behalf) or didn’t represent any specific ‘thing’ that we could

The major pool at gorge end
identify, it was done in a completely different manner to the etchings around it. Surrounding this motif were cruder peckings of emu, kangaroo, emu eggs and their respective tracks. It was a fantastic feeling to identify something that spoke of a direct link to the ancients. These very different art styles as also witnessed in the Calvert’s, perhaps speak of a style of art that has been forgotten perhaps over a period when the land was empty, much like the theories around the gwion art of the

Jaydub and Suze resting by the top pool.
Perhaps climatic conditions made it too harsh for the people to live in the area for generations. After all, a gap of a thousand years out of a known history of forty thousand years is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Whatever the reason, the difference in the two art styles is pronounced.

The pool seen from on high
We cautiously retraced our steps down the rift towards the valley floor. I was not cautious enough and took a tumble on the way back banging my knee heavily. We were tired but elated when we reached the quads immediately heading back to
camp and collecting firewood along the way. I was fairly peeked so had a quick poppy knap in the RTT before commencing the pack up of the
camp and equipment. This meant trailering the quads.

The Broadhurst Ranges - No country for the faint hearted!
Poor old Squeaky was a bit leaky in the tyre department so I quickly effected repairs and also found a minor nick in the back right boot. A bit of Maverick bond will see that right as it was far too small to allow dust to get in, a small amount of grease being the only thing indication the location of the hole on the boot. Suze prepared a magnificent dinner of roast lamb with all the trimmings with me providing
the desert of an apple surprise with custard and cream, all washed down with a bottle of
champagne to toast our success.
This marks the turn around point for us. As of tomorrow it is all homewards bound as we take the long road to the south east.

Rock art

Rock art - Emu eggs and track

Rock art - pattern worn into the rocks as opposed to pecking

The cave entrance

white trunked gums

Jaydub and I immersing ourselves in the serenity of the gorge end pool

Rock art - emu glyph

The busy camp chefs

A camp oven roast ala Suzette

Ahhh dessert - apple surprise

A toast to another great GDEC adventure