Address & Contact Edit
2-10 Grace St
Innisfail QLD 4860
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A
Innisfail is a prosperous town, situated on the North and
South Johnstone Rivers, and is surrounded by rich green landscape. Lush sugar plantations grow from the coastline to the thick Rainforests of the Palmerston National Park to the west. Sugar has been grown here since the early 1880's. Tea, bananas, pawpaws and other exotic tropical fruits are also grown within the area. Aquaculture also plays an important part in the area's economy ranging from prawn,
barramundi and fresh crayfish to crocodile farming. The Johnstone River lends itself to Boating and water sports....but NOT swimming for obvious reasons .The Town has all the shopping facillities needed , with large supermarkets , and chain stores found bigger cities. and as for the climate , just one word covers that....Beautiful.