Freycinet National Park

StartClick to Reverse the Dynamic Map and Driving NotesInfo Bay
FinishInfo Bay
DifficultyDifficulty 2/5
Suitable For4WD 
Distance109.36 km
Minimum Days1
Average Speed37.73 km/hr
Travel Time2 hrs 53 mins
Page Updated: 12 Aug 2009


This trek starts off from the Tasman Highway and heads south towards Coles Bay. This town is the major hub of Freycinet Peninsula and the first stop where you can stock up on food and fuel supplies, or obtain your park pass at the National Park visitor centre. Heading south, you soon arrive at the popular swimming and snorkeling spot called Honeymoon Bay - a place that presents amazing views of the two pink granite peaks of Freycinet - suitably called ‘the Hazards’. Further southwest, there are numerous holiday homes and a nice walking track at a place called The Fisheries.

There is a sealed road that heads around 6.4kms towards Cape Tourville and the lighthouse. Along the way you will stumble across Sleepy Bay, which reveals graded steps that lead to the rocky shoreline in which, despite its name, often experiences wild and rough seas. To get to the beautiful white lighthouse, you walk along the Cape Tourville Circuit - an easy 20 minute boardwalk that reveals amazing views of Wineglass Bay, ‘The Hazards’, and Friars further south. Back on the main road, there is a nice 4WD track that leads toward the Bluestone Bay area. This location also known as Whitewater Wall is a fairly popular spot, providing camping opportunities and rock climbing for the more adventurous. Little Bluestone Bay further south is an incredibly beautiful place, but the area has such a steep slope and is heavily vegetated that there is probably no chance of camping there. From Whitewater Wall/Bluestone Bay there is an alternative 4WD track that you can take back to the main road - it’s a little longer but well worth the effort.

Friendly Point is the next destination and you can get there on the Coles Bay dam 4WD track. This track is a relatively long 30 minute journey that meets the southern end of Friendly Beaches. Depending on the season and weather conditions, this beach can get quite wild, and a river can form blocking access higher up the beach. There is a nice and quiet campsite which is set back from the beach access and a locked gate to prevent people driving onto the beach itself.

The campgrounds at Moulting Bay are certainly nice but they can be quite crowded especially during the peak times. Another popular spot for camping is Friendly Beaches (Isaacs Point), which can be reached by turning off the main road 18km north of Coles Bay. This spot provides adequate campsites and basic facilities. The beaches are generally more protected from the winds and offer spectacular views and kilometres of unspoiled white sand.

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The Freycinet Peninsula was formed over 400 million years ago and the tectonic (mountain building) activity below the earth’s surface resulted in the separation of a large granite mass. Freycinet is in essence - two eroded blocks of granite joined by a sand isthmus. These are ‘The Hazards’ and the Mount Graham/Mount Freycinet sections of the peninsula. The Freycinet Peninsula is one of the State's most scenic coastal areas. The imposing granite peaks of ‘The Hazards’ and the many white sandy beaches that dot the peninsula are among the highlights of the park.

The most identifying aspect of Freycinet is the pink to cream tinge that can be seen on the boulders and outcrops throughout the park. The pink tinge of ‘The Hazards’ is caused by iron oxide impurities in feldspar, which is a component of granite. Added to that is the orange lichen cover on many of the rocks and when combined, produce the pink tinge that makes ‘The Hazards’ and other areas which are dominated by granite its intriguing look.

Bird Spotting

There are many species of birds that live in or stop over at Freycinet and the surrounding area. Some large birds you may see are white-bellied sea-eagles gliding overhead and large Australasian gannets diving for food in the ocean. In the forest and bushy areas, you may encounter smaller birds such as eastern spinebills, New Holland honeyeaters and yellow-tailed cockatoos. If you enjoy bird spotting, then Moulting Lagoon Game Reserve is one place well worth the visit.


Abel Tasman sailed past the region in 1642 and mistook the Freycinet Peninsula for an island. It would have been an easy mistake to make because the peninsula is joined to the mainland by a narrow strip of land. French explorer Nicolas Baudin named the land mass in 1802 after one of two Freycinet brothers, who were officers on his ship.

Those who have lived and worked on the Freycinet Peninsula since the early years of European settlement were whaling parties, tin and coal miners, and pastoralists. Old mine shafts, abandoned farmers' huts and the remains of whalers' camps today form part of the rich cultural heritage of the park.

The tranquility and majestic beauty of Freycinet's granite mountains and pure white, sandy beaches have long been admired by naturalists, artists and writers. The area was reserved as a national park in 1916, making it (along with Mt Field National Park) the oldest national park in Tasmania.

TrekID: 166


MUST READ: You are strongly encouraged to read the following articles prepared by the knowledge experts at ExplorOz for your safety and preparation before undertaking any published ExplorOz Trek - Outback Safety, Outback Driving Tips, Outback Communications, and Vehicle Setup for the Outback.


Please refer to Road Reports published by the local shire and/or main roads for the area you intend to visit. Road/Track conditions can change significantly after weather events. Travellers must be responsible for their own research on current conditions and track suitability.


National Parks Passes

Current park passes must be purchased for entry to Tasmania's National Parks. There are a few options available and they include: Daily, Holiday, Annual, Annual Renewal, and Two Year Park Pass. It is a good idea to seek out the pass that best suits your travel plan. For example, visitors to the State may consider the ‘Holiday Pass’ because it provides entry to all Tasmania’s National Parks for up to two months.

For the current fees, please click National Parks Passes


Freycinet National Park can get extremely busy during the peak season (18th December until Easter) so a ballot system is in place for campers to try to secure a campsite. The ballot system is drawn early August and applications should be received by the 31st of July. For more information about camping in Freycinet NP, the ballot system, or to download the ballot form, please click Freycinet NP Camping

For more information about camping fees for Richardsons Beach, Honeymoon Bay, Ranger Creek as well as info on other areas, please click Freycinet NP Camping Fees

Fuel Usage

4cyl 15 litres4cyl 18 litres4cyl 22 litres
6cyl 17 litres6cyl 20 litres6cyl 19 litres
8cyl 17 litres8cyl 18 litres
Usage is averaged from recorded data (* specific to this trek) and calculated based on trek distance.

Best Time To Visit

Can get very cold during the winter months.

Closest Climatic Station

Friendly Beaches
Distance from Trek Mid Point 7.83km SE
Mean Max. °C23.022.621.418.616.114.013.714.716.717.919.721.6
Mean Min. °C13.
Mean Rain mm57.159.458.
    Best time to travel      Ok time to travel      Travel NOT recommended


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Info Bay to Coles Bay Rd & Friendly Beaches Rd
Driving: 8.38 km
Heading: 160°
Avg Speed: 84.5 km/hr
EST Time: 05:57
Coles Bay Rd & Friendly Beaches Rd to Friendly Beaches Registration Station
Driving: 1.85 km
Heading: 93°
Avg Speed: 53.18 km/hr
EST Time: 02:05
Friendly Beaches Registration Station to Friendly Beaches Lookout
Driving: 1.09 km
Heading: 45°
Avg Speed: 46.15 km/hr
EST Time: 01:25
Friendly Beaches Lookout to Friendly Beaches Campsites
Driving: 0.92 km
Heading: 61°
Avg Speed: 32.08 km/hr
EST Time: 01:43
Friendly Beaches Campsites to Isaacs Point
Driving: 0.53 km
Heading: 30°
Avg Speed: 19.55 km/hr
EST Time: 01:37
Isaacs Point to Friendly Beaches Campsites
Driving: 0.53 km
Heading: 210°
Avg Speed: 19.55 km/hr
EST Time: 01:37
Friendly Beaches Campsites to Friendly Beaches Lookout
Driving: 0.92 km
Heading: 241°
Avg Speed: 32.08 km/hr
EST Time: 01:43
Friendly Beaches Lookout to Friendly Beaches Registration Station
Driving: 1.09 km
Heading: 225°
Avg Speed: 46.15 km/hr
EST Time: 01:25
Friendly Beaches Registration Station to Coles Bay Rd & Friendly Beaches Rd
Driving: 1.85 km
Heading: 273°
Avg Speed: 53.18 km/hr
EST Time: 02:05
Coles Bay Rd & Friendly Beaches Rd to Coles Bay Rd & River and Rocks Rd
Driving: 10.37 km
Heading: 186°
Avg Speed: 93.82 km/hr
EST Time: 06:37
Coles Bay Rd & River and Rocks Rd to River and Rocks Rd Camping Area
Driving: 0.58 km
Heading: 216°
Avg Speed: 38.55 km/hr
EST Time: 00:54
River and Rocks Rd Camping Area to Merideth Point Reserve
Driving: 1.56 km
Heading: 304°
Avg Speed: 50.77 km/hr
EST Time: 01:50
Merideth Point Reserve to Moulting Lagoon Game Reserve
Driving: 0.96 km
Heading: 296°
Avg Speed: 32.67 km/hr
EST Time: 01:45
Moulting Lagoon Game Reserve to Merideth Point Reserve
Driving: 0.96 km
Heading: 116°
Avg Speed: 32.67 km/hr
EST Time: 01:45
Merideth Point Reserve to River and Rocks Rd Camping Area
Driving: 1.56 km
Heading: 124°
Avg Speed: 50.77 km/hr
EST Time: 01:50
River and Rocks Rd Camping Area to Coles Bay Rd & River and Rocks Rd
Driving: 0.58 km
Heading: 36°
Avg Speed: 38.55 km/hr
EST Time: 00:54
Coles Bay Rd & River and Rocks Rd to Coles Bay Rd & Friendly Pt (Alternate Tk)
Driving: 6.63 km
Heading: 134°
Avg Speed: 74.45 km/hr
EST Time: 05:20
Coles Bay Rd & Friendly Pt (Alternate Tk) to Filtration-Pumping Station
Driving: 1.32 km
Heading: 86°
Avg Speed: 39.75 km/hr
EST Time: 01:59
Filtration-Pumping Station to Flood Bypass Track
Driving: 1.56 km
Heading: 45°
Avg Speed: 27.68 km/hr
EST Time: 03:22
Flood Bypass Track to Creek Crossing
Driving: 3.41 km
Heading: 350°
Avg Speed: 22.06 km/hr
EST Time: 09:16
Creek Crossing to Franks Camp
Driving: 2.45 km
Avg Speed: 17.92 km/hr
EST Time: 08:12
Franks Camp to End of Track (Friendly Point)
Driving: 0.76 km
Heading: 349°
Avg Speed: 15.07 km/hr
EST Time: 03:01
End of Track (Friendly Point) to Franks Camp
Driving: 0.76 km
Heading: 169°
Avg Speed: 15.07 km/hr
EST Time: 03:01
Franks Camp to Creek Crossing
Driving: 2.45 km
Heading: 188°
Avg Speed: 17.92 km/hr
EST Time: 08:12
Creek Crossing to Flood Bypass Track
Driving: 3.41 km
Heading: 170°
Avg Speed: 22.06 km/hr
EST Time: 09:16
Flood Bypass Track to Filtration-Pumping Station
Driving: 1.56 km
Heading: 225°
Avg Speed: 27.68 km/hr
EST Time: 03:22
Filtration-Pumping Station to Coles Bay Road & Friendly Point Track
Driving: 1.67 km
Heading: 238°
Avg Speed: 27.92 km/hr
EST Time: 03:35
Coles Bay Road & Friendly Point Track to Freycinet NP Visitor Information
Driving: 1.39 km
Heading: 114°
Avg Speed: 40.02 km/hr
EST Time: 02:05
Freycinet NP Visitor Information to Ranger Creek Day Use Area
Driving: 0.22 km
Heading: 145°
Avg Speed: 29.26 km/hr
EST Time: 00:27
Ranger Creek Day Use Area to Freycinet Drive & Cape Tourville Rd
Driving: 1.43 km
Heading: 174°
Avg Speed: 43.9 km/hr
EST Time: 01:57
Freycinet Drive & Cape Tourville Rd to Sleepy Bay (Day Use Area)
Driving: 1.59 km
Heading: 73°
Avg Speed: 39.43 km/hr
EST Time: 02:25
Sleepy Bay (Day Use Area) to Cape Tourville Rd & 4WD Tk
Driving: 0.96 km
Heading: 14°
Avg Speed: 43.72 km/hr
EST Time: 01:19
Cape Tourville Rd & 4WD Tk to Whitewater Wall
Driving: 3.47 km
Heading: 34°
Avg Speed: 18.38 km/hr
EST Time: 11:19
Whitewater Wall to Little Bluestone Bay
Driving: 0.43 km
Heading: 175°
Avg Speed: 8.68 km/hr
EST Time: 02:58
Little Bluestone Bay to Whitewater Wall
Driving: 0.43 km
Heading: 355°
Avg Speed: 8.68 km/hr
EST Time: 02:58
Whitewater Wall to Cape Tourville
Driving: 2.63 km
Heading: 170°
Avg Speed: 21.58 km/hr
EST Time: 07:18
Cape Tourville to Cape Tourville Rd & 4WD Tk
Driving: 2.64 km
Heading: 252°
Avg Speed: 47.9 km/hr
EST Time: 03:18
Cape Tourville Rd & 4WD Tk to Sleepy Bay (Day Use Area)
Driving: 0.96 km
Heading: 194°
Avg Speed: 43.72 km/hr
EST Time: 01:19
Sleepy Bay (Day Use Area) to Sleepy Bay
Driving: 0.04 km
Heading: 115°
Avg Speed: 12.77 km/hr
EST Time: N/A
Sleepy Bay to Sleepy Bay (Day Use Area)
Driving: 0.04 km
Heading: 295°
Avg Speed: 12.77 km/hr
EST Time: N/A
Sleepy Bay (Day Use Area) to Freycinet Drive & Cape Tourville Rd
Driving: 1.59 km
Heading: 253°
Avg Speed: 39.43 km/hr
EST Time: 02:25
Freycinet Drive & Cape Tourville Rd to Honeymoon Bay
Driving: 0.31 km
Heading: 260°
Avg Speed: 20.96 km/hr
EST Time: 00:53
Honeymoon Bay to Freycinet Drive & Cape Tourville Rd
Driving: 0.31 km
Heading: 80°
Avg Speed: 20.96 km/hr
EST Time: 00:53
Freycinet Drive & Cape Tourville Rd to Ranger Creek Day Use Area
Driving: 1.43 km
Heading: 354°
Avg Speed: 43.9 km/hr
EST Time: 01:57
Ranger Creek Day Use Area to Freycinet NP Visitor Information
Driving: 0.22 km
Heading: 325°
Avg Speed: 29.26 km/hr
EST Time: 00:27
Freycinet NP Visitor Information to Coles Bay
Driving: 3.06 km
Heading: 280°
Avg Speed: 33.64 km/hr
EST Time: 05:27
Coles Bay to Coles Bay Road & Friendly Point Track
Driving: 0.61 km
Heading: 15°
Avg Speed: 19.28 km/hr
EST Time: 01:53
Coles Bay Road & Friendly Point Track to Coles Bay Rd & Friendly Pt (Alternate Tk)
Driving: 0.51 km
Heading: 329°
Avg Speed: 61.32 km/hr
EST Time: 00:29
Coles Bay Rd & Friendly Pt (Alternate Tk) to Coles Bay Rd & River and Rocks Rd
Driving: 6.63 km
Heading: 314°
Avg Speed: 74.45 km/hr
EST Time: 05:20
Coles Bay Rd & River and Rocks Rd to Coles Bay Rd & Friendly Beaches Rd
Driving: 10.37 km
Avg Speed: 93.82 km/hr
EST Time: 06:37
Coles Bay Rd & Friendly Beaches Rd to Info Bay
Driving: 8.38 km
Heading: 340°
Avg Speed: 84.5 km/hr
EST Time: 05:57
Distance is based on the travel mode shown (Driving, Straight, Cycling, Walking etc), Direction is straight line from start to end, Avg Speed & EST Time is calculated from GPS data.

What to See


Where to Stay

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