
StartClick to Reverse the Dynamic Map and Driving NotesStuart Hwy & Cox Peninsula Rd
FinishStuart Hwy & Batchelor Rd
DifficultyDifficulty 3/5
Suitable For4WD Motorbike 
Distance215.02 km
Minimum Days1
Average Speed58.17 km/hr
Travel Time3 hrs 41 mins
Page Updated: 19 Aug 2021


If you love waterfalls and lush surroundings, beautiful gorges and nature in all its glory and mystery - then prepare for heaven. Situated only 130kms from Darwin, Litchfield National Park is one of the most spectacular and accessible National Parks in the "Top End". While the majority of the park is sealed and of good gravel quality, there are a couple of excellent 4WD alternatives that take you to some of the lesser know areas of Litchfield. It's possible to take in Litchfield NP in a day, but if you have the time, then its definitely worth exploring around. If you're travelling in the park, especially in the peak season of May to October, don't be surprised if the major attractions in the park are extremely popular.

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Litchfield National Park is a very integral part of the Northern Territory’s network of conservation reserves. The park covers approximately 1,500 square kilometres and features sandstone plateaus, tropical woodlands, paperbark and monsoon forests, gorges, waterfalls, creeks, floodplains and much more. It has a high diversity of plants and animals including around twenty plant species and a dozen animal species.

Like just about all places there are hazards and Litchfield National Park is no exception. Please use caution and observe Park safety signs, swim only where recommended and observe warning signs.

Estuarine crocodiles also known as Saltwater crocodiles live in the top end of Australia and management practises reduces the risk of these reptiles entering popular areas such as Wangi Falls. Prior to opening the Falls each year, surveys are conducted and crocs are trapped and removed when detected. Please report sightings to Park Rangers and do not risk entering areas that are closed.


The history of Litchfield begins with the Wagiat Aboriginal people who lived here for thousand of years supported by a rich environment which provided plenty of bush tucker and materials for shelter and bush medicine.

The first European discovery of the area was in 1864 with the Finnis Expedition. The park was named after a member of this expedition, Fredrick Henry Litchfield, who believed the area offered enormous prosperity and settled here.

From 1889, copper and tin were mined at Bamboo Creek and Mt Tolmer for ten years and later parts of the area were used for pastoral leases. In the late 1960's, 4WD tracks were pushed through to a number of falls. In 1986, increasing visitors to the area results in the establishment of Litchfield National Park.

TrekID: 64


MUST READ: You are strongly encouraged to read the following articles prepared by the knowledge experts at ExplorOz for your safety and preparation before undertaking any published ExplorOz Trek - Outback Safety, Outback Driving Tips, Outback Communications, and Vehicle Setup for the Outback.


Please refer to Road Reports published by the local shire and/or main roads for the area you intend to visit. Road/Track conditions can change significantly after weather events. Travellers must be responsible for their own research on current conditions and track suitability.
Please ensure you have adequate supplies such as: plenty of water and personal protection gear like suitable clothing and footwear, hats, sunscreen and insect propellant. Carry a first aid kit and ensure your vehicle is well maintained and equipped. We have good articles on these topics such as: Servicing, Recovery Gear and Survival.

The main route into Litchfield NP is 2WD access via Batchelor on the Litchfield Park Road with sealed roads accessing the popular sites and unsealed roads accessing the more remote sites. During the dry and hot seasons, Litchfield NP can be accessed from Stuart Highway & Cox Peninsula Rd junction, as stated in this trek note. There may be sections of this road that are unsealed and badly corrugated so take extreme care. Also, towing caravan and trailers are not recommended on this road. During the wet season rains which are between October and April, floods may occur in the lowlands of the National Park so frequent checking of the road conditions is a must. Phone the Road Information Service on 1800 246 199, Ranger staff at Batchelor on (08) 8976 0282 or Walker Creek on (08) 8978 2302.


There are no entry fees for Litchfield National Park, however fees do apply in the designated camping areas. Permits are needed from the Parks and Wildlife Ranger Station (in Batchelor) if you camp out of the designated campground areas.

Fuel Usage

4cyl 30 litres4cyl 35 litres4cyl 43 litres
6cyl 33 litres6cyl 38 litres *6cyl 38 litres
8cyl 33 litres8cyl 36 litres
Usage is averaged from recorded data (* specific to this trek) and calculated based on trek distance.

Best Time To Visit

Closest Climatic Station

Batchelor Aero
Distance from Trek Mid Point 25.51km S
Mean Max. °C32.732.232.833.732.731.231.833.336.036.835.333.8
Mean Min. °C24.023.823.421.618.816.516.317.020.623.023.924.1
Mean Rain mm306.7360.7258.9101.824.
    Best time to travel      Ok time to travel      Travel NOT recommended


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Stuart Hwy & Cox Peninsula Rd to Blackmore River Conservation Reserve
Driving: 22.3 km
Heading: 234°
Avg Speed: 50.75 km/hr
EST Time: 26:21
Blackmore River Conservation Reserve to Mount Finniss
Driving: 39.65 km
Heading: 220°
Avg Speed: 57 km/hr
EST Time: 41:44
Mount Finniss to Mount Finnis Mine
Driving: 0.17 km
Heading: 216°
Avg Speed: 67.17 km/hr
EST Time: 00:09
Mount Finnis Mine to Old Finniss River Crossing
Driving: 4.24 km
Heading: 247°
Avg Speed: 72.61 km/hr
EST Time: 03:30
Old Finniss River Crossing to Litchfield NP, Northern Boundary
Driving: 8.66 km
Heading: 210°
Avg Speed: 65.28 km/hr
EST Time: 07:57
Litchfield NP, Northern Boundary to Walker Creek
Driving: 6.75 km
Heading: 207°
Avg Speed: 70.06 km/hr
EST Time: 05:46
Walker Creek to Wangi Falls
Driving: 24.64 km
Heading: 188°
Avg Speed: 66 km/hr
EST Time: 22:24
Wangi Falls to Greenant Creek
Driving: 10.71 km
Heading: 158°
Avg Speed: 47.89 km/hr
EST Time: 13:25
Greenant Creek to Tjaetaba Falls
Driving: 0.47 km
Heading: 30°
Avg Speed: 58.72 km/hr
EST Time: 00:28
Tjaetaba Falls to Tolmer Falls
Driving: 1.09 km
Heading: 135°
Avg Speed: 60.87 km/hr
EST Time: 01:04
Tolmer Falls to Tabletop Swamp
Driving: 5.59 km
Heading: 48°
Avg Speed: 71.83 km/hr
EST Time: 04:40
Tabletop Swamp to Litchfield Park Rd & Lost City Tk
Driving: 4.87 km
Heading: 45°
Avg Speed: 74.44 km/hr
EST Time: 03:55
Litchfield Park Rd & Lost City Tk to The Lost City
Driving: 9.4 km
Heading: 210°
Avg Speed: 21.65 km/hr
EST Time: 26:03
The Lost City to Litchfield Park Rd & Lost City Tk
Driving: 9.4 km
Heading: 30°
Avg Speed: 21.65 km/hr
EST Time: 26:03
Litchfield Park Rd & Lost City Tk to Buley Rockhole
Driving: 7.81 km
Heading: 14°
Avg Speed: 50.39 km/hr
EST Time: 09:17
Buley Rockhole to Aida Creek Jump-up
Driving: 4.6 km
Heading: 102°
Avg Speed: 51.81 km/hr
EST Time: 05:19
Aida Creek Jump-up to Magnetic Termite Mounds - Litchfield NP
Driving: 4.6 km
Heading: 60°
Avg Speed: 66.4 km/hr
EST Time: 04:09
Magnetic Termite Mounds - Litchfield NP to Litchfield NP, Eastern Boundary
Driving: 17.41 km
Heading: 52°
Avg Speed: 72.47 km/hr
EST Time: 14:24
Litchfield NP, Eastern Boundary to Batchelor
Driving: 18.79 km
Heading: 96°
Avg Speed: 68.34 km/hr
EST Time: 16:29
Batchelor to Stuart Hwy & Batchelor Rd
Driving: 13.87 km
Heading: 60°
Avg Speed: 48.04 km/hr
EST Time: 17:19
Distance is based on the travel mode shown (Driving, Straight, Cycling, Walking etc), Direction is straight line from start to end, Avg Speed & EST Time is calculated from GPS data.

What to See

There are plenty of things to see and do in Litchfield National Park with some of the main attractions being: Wangi Falls, The Lost City, Tolmer Falls, Buley Rockhole, Florence Falls and the Magnetic Termite Mounds. The Tabletop Track provides nature enthusiasts and bushwalkers to enjoy the quieter side of the Park. Track. Other activities that are also popular are: swimming, picnicking, bird watching and camping.


Where to Stay

There are many designated campsites within Litchfield National Park and there are camping fees that apply. Simply deposit your fees in the boxes provided. There are no powered sites available and there are some rules that must be followed such as generators are not to be used in the Park, caravan camping is available at Wangi Falls only and permits are needed when you wish to camp out of designated campgrounds areas which are obtained from the Parks and Wildlife Ranger Station in Batchelor. I you wish to seek additional information for commercial camping areas and accommodation outside Litchfield National Park, contact the Tourism Top End number on (08) 8936 2499

Services & Supplies


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