Curly Mallee, Arkaroola Mallee

Family: Myrtaceae
Genus: Eucalyptus
Species: gillii
Main Flower Colour: Cream


Mallee to 5m, somewhat tumbledown habit. Bark rough on lower branches, smooth above. Leaves grey-green, broad and sessile (without a leaf stalk) and arranged in opposite pairs. Buds with conical cap, in groups of 7. Flowers cream.

Flowering start in May and ends in October.


The main flower colour is cream. Also occurs in the Barrier Range near Broken Hill.
Related to E. socialis (Red Mallee), differeing from it in its straggly habit, and the high proportion of opposite, ovate, sessile and glaucous leaves in the crown. Also the buds and fruit are white-glaucous.


A Field Guide to Eucalypts Vol 2 by Brooker and Kleinig
Views (per week)28


Bio Regions

Flinders Lofty Block (FLB)

Region Specifics

northern Flinders Ranges

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