Budda, Harlequin Fuchsia Bush

Family: Scrophulariaceae
Genus: Eremophila
Species: duttonii
Main Flower Colour: Orange


This Eremophila is widely distributed and has showy red or red and yellow flowers. It grows as a shrub to about 3m tall on red sand in open dry scrubland.The leaves are narrow linear-lanceolate, 2 to 5 cm long, and up to 8 mm wide. The leaf tip or apex is acute, and the leaf margins are entire or rarely toothed. Mature leaves are glabrous.

The showy flowers are solitary in the leaf axils and are on a long pedicel or flower stalk. Sepals are fairly conspicuous 18 mm wide, green to reddish brown. Corolla 25–35 mm long, red above, yellow below, sometimes all yellow, unspotted, sparsely pubescent or glabrous outside; lobes acute. Stamens exserted beyond the end of the petals.

Flowering start in August and ends in November.


The main flower colour is orange.


Preparations derived from this plant are used by indigenous populations in the topical treatment of minor wounds, otitis and ocular complaints, and as a gargle for sore throat.




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Bio Regions

Mulga Lands (MUL), Channel Country (CHC), Broken Hill Complex (BHC)

Region Specifics

near Louth and Tibooburra, NSW

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