Sundew - Pink Rainbow
Pearly Sundew, Pygmy Drosera
Drosera hookeri
Sundew - Drosera - Unknown Species
Named after Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (born 1817) - a world famous botanist who travelled on the Antarctic expedition of 1839 under the command of Sir James Ross and wrote "Handbook of New Zealand
A tiny Drosera growing to only about 2 cm high, though flower stalk may increase the height. Leaves are bright red and round. Plants seen were growing in deep white sand.
A trap for unwary insects. Widely distributed through northern Australia in damp areas. Elongated leaves, curled when young, with long sticky hairs.
Small insectivorous plant. Traps small insects by means of sticky hairs on the rosette of red leaves. Grows in damp places.
Found growing in a damp rocky area in the Stirling Range, W.A. About 10 cm high, reddish in appearance, with sticky hairs on the roundish leaves.
Tuberous, perennial, herb or climber, 0.3-1.1 m high. Deep sand, loamy soils.
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