Coast Banksia, White Honeysuckle

Family: Proteaceae
Genus: Banksia
Species: integrifolia
Main Flower Colour: Yellow


Shrub or Small tree with rough grey bark. Leaves in whorls around stem, coppery coloured when young. Flowers creamy-yellow in cylindrical spikes. Flowers produce abundant nectar that attracts birds and small mammals to feed. Unlike many Banksias that retain their seeds, these Banksias open the follicles at maturity to release seeds. Flowers late summer to winter.

Flowering start in January and ends in July.


The main flower colour is yellow. Adult leaves 6-7cm long with entire margins, leaves silvery grey underneath.


Landscape and street tree planting, honey production, wood turning and cabinet making.
Other comments - found as distinct populations along east coast of Australia and also on the NSW tablelands.


Banksias, Waratahs and Grevilleas by John Wrigley and Murray Fagg.
Views (per week)50


Bio Regions

NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SYB), South East Corner (SEC), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), New England Tablelands (NET)

Region Specifics

Myall Lakes NSW on coastal dunes

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