Honeysuckle Oak or Spider Flower, Desert Grevillea
Coast Banksia, White Honeysuckle
Showy Banksia, Ric-Rac Banksia
Acorn Banksia
Hakea elliptica
Blue Hakea
Hood Leaved Hakea
Hakea pandanicarpa subsp. crassifolia
Royal Hakea
Straggly Corkbark
Banksia coccinea
Kangaroo Island Cone sticks - KI Endemic
Cayley's Banksia
Dryander's grevillea
Grass Leaf Hakea
Firewood Banksia
Hakea microcarpa
Cut-leaf Banksia
Grass Leaved Hakea, Cork Tree, Emu Tree
Red Toothbrushes
Non-lignotuberous tree or shrub, growing to 10 m high. Flowerheads are cream & orange and a produced from Feb to Aug. Grows in white or grey/yellow sand, sandy loam, brown clay, laterite, granite.
A straggling low shrub. Leaves are broadly oval ending in a point with numerous longitudinal veins. Small dusky red flowers are slightly furry.
Low shrub. Leaves greyish, strongly serrated. Flowers orange/yellow. Growing on sand dune.
tentative identification
Erect open woody shrub to 4 or 5m high. Leaves ovate or roughly rectangular with toothed margins. Flowers are arranged in short cylindrical spikes about 6-7cm long and 7cm in diameter.
Large, open shrub, pin cushion like flowers in a rusty orange colour with tough holly-like leaves.
A lanky, erect, lignotuberous shrub, reaching about 1.5m high. Rounded or oval leaves are crowded along the branches. Flowers are quite large, orange-red with prominent hairy styles.
A spreading shrub growing to about 3 meters tall. This species has fairly large rounded flowers yellow in colour. As the flower matures small red anthers appear.
This most unusual Hakea occurs in south-western W.A. from York to Manjimup and east to Jerramungup, including in the Porongorup and Stirling Ranges. It grows in heath or mallee-heath,
Shrub or small tree (1.5) 2–6 (–7.5) m high, apparently lignotuberous (resprouting from base). Branchlets often glaucous, sometimes glabrous,
Tree or shrub (in south coastal areas), 1.5-10 m high, with epicormic buds. Fl. yellow-green, Sep to Dec or Jan. White or grey sand, laterite.
Dense prickly foliage and flowers packed tight as in a cauliflower marks this unusual Hakea. Its not the most attractive Hakea, but one of the more distinctive ones. It grows to about one metre high.
Bushy, non-lignotuberous shrub, 0.6-2 m high. Fl. red/pink & cream, Oct to Dec. White sand, gravel, sandy clay. Plains.
Shrub or Small tree with rough grey bark. Leaves in whorls around stem, coppery coloured when young. Flowers creamy-yellow in cylindrical spikes.
Erect, multi-stemmed, lignotuberous shrub, 0.3-2 m high. Fl. white-other, Jul to Dec. Sand, gravel, laterite. Sandplains.
It was known as a Dryandra until 2007, when all Dryandra species were transferred to the Genus Banksia. It is a prostrate shrub endemic to Western Australia.
One of many striking features of this dense shrub is the leaf shape that gives rise to the common name of Cut-leaf Banksia. The Latin name praemorsa means "bitten off" referring to the sharply cut
Medium size rounded shrub to 2m tall. Leaves wedge shaped, wider towards the tip, with sharply serrated edges. Flower spikes up to 10cm long. Flowers grey-gren in the bud stage,
The Desert Banksia (Banksia ornata) is a species of shrub in the plant genus Banksia which grows up to 3 m tall. It occurs in western Victoria, and in South Australia,
Straggly open shrub with large serrated, prickly leaves. Large flower heads about 7cm across.
Tall shrub to about 2m. Leaves deeply lobed, prickly. Common among heath growing in gravelly sandy soil.
Spreading to erect shrub, (0.3-)0.6-2 m high. Fl. white/red/red-purple/orange-red, Jan to May. Sandstone. Rocky hillsides or ridges.
Small gnarled tree to about 6m. Leaves up to 20cm long, toothed. Large flowerhead up to 15cm long and 8-10cm in diameter. Infloresence is a deep pink before flowers open when they are orange.
Erect dense shrub 1–1.5 m tall. Branchlets angular and ridged, sericeous to tomentose. Leaves sublinear to oblong-elliptic or narrowly obovate, 1.5–6 cm long, 1.
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