Silky Grevillea, Golden Grevillea, Fern-leaved Grevillea

Family: Proteaceae
Genus: Grevillea
Species: pteridifolia
Main Flower Colour: Orange


A brilliant and familiar site along roads in the Kimberley, NT and N. Qld. Usually grows in sandy soils that may become seasonally wet. May be a tree to 8 or 10m tall or a dense spreading shrub. Leaves are lobed and deeply divided, grey green on the upper surface, silvery white underneath. Leaves can be up to 30cm long. The golden one sided flower heads are held at or near the ends of the branches. They are large, up to 15cm long, and are full of nectar making them attractive to birds and insects.

Flowering start in April and ends in October.


The main flower colour is orange. Large fern-like leaves, brilliant golden flower heads with abundant nectar.

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Bio Regions

Central Kimberley (CEK), Northern Kimberley (NOK), Gulf Plains (GUP), Victoria Bonaparte (VIB)

Region Specifics

Gibb River Road.

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