Low spreading shrub 0.3–1.0 m tall. Leaves entire, narrowly oblong to sublinear-subterete, usually plump, 0.2–1.7 cm long, 1.0–2.1 mm wide; margins revolute; upper surface muricate; lower surface completely enclosed including midvein, 1-grooved, sublanate. Conflorescence terminal, simple, erect, subumbelloid, 1–6-flowered, opening uncertain; floral rachis 0.5–0.7 mm long, tomentose. Flowers mostly adaxially oriented. Flower colour: perianth and style bright orange-red; style-end yellow-green. Perianth pubescent to loosely tomentose outside, glabrous inside near base and bearded about middle, subsericeous above; tepals remaining coherent. Pistil 24–25 mm long; ovary stipitate, villous; style loosely tomentose to villous, with hairs over most of its length; pollen-presenter oblique. Follicle narrowly ellipsoidal or narrowly ovoid, 12.5–14.5 mm long, pubescent to subvillous.
Occurs in S.A., where endemic to the central eastern part of Kangaroo Is. Grows in open woodland and dense shrub associations in sandy to loamy soil over ironstone. Flowers Aug.–Nov.
This species is recognised as 'Rare' in J.D.Briggs & J.H.Leigh, Rare or Threatened Australian Plants (1995).
Flowering start in August and ends in November.
The main flower colour is red.
http://www.anbg.gov.au/abrs/online-resources/flora/stddisplay.xsql?pnid=45628Created: 05 Nov 2014 -
Stephen L (Clare) SAUpdated: 22 Nov 2014 -
Member - John and ValWildflowerID | 672 |
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