Permits for Western Australia

This article highlights areas of interest to 4WDrivers and campers within the state of WA where a permit or pass (with or without fee) is required for access and/or camping. These areas include National Parks & Reserves, and Aboriginal Lands. Links to websites and contact details are included.

Aboriginal Lands

Quite a number of transit permits for aboriginal lands in WA are able to be issued by the Aboriginal Lands Trust of WA. (excluding the Canning Stock Route).

Applications can be made on-line at The web site contains a lot of excellent information including maps showing the specific areas and tracks where Permits are required. To determine the areas where a permit is required, please ensure you follow the link to the map showing Aboriginal Reserves under Part 111 - Reserved Lands. See map here.

When you apply for your permit online, you simply select the name of the reserve you wish to visit within a pull down list in the application.

Department of Aboriginal Affairs Perth Office

Phone: 1300 651 077
Fax: (08) 6551 8088
PO Box 3153, East Perth Western Australia 6892
Ground Floor, 151 Royal Street, East Perth, Western Australia 6004
General Information:
Website: Department of Aboriginal Affairs

Central Reserves Area including Surveyor-General’s Corner and Sandy Blight Junction Road:

Central Reserves Area (which extends some little way over the borders into both NT and SA), includes: The Great Central Road, the Gunbarrel Highway, the Gary Highway, the abandoned section of the Old Gunbarrel Highway, Giles-Mulga Park Road from Warakurna to Wingellina and Surveyor General’s Corner, and the WA parts of the Gary Junction Road and the Sandy Blight Junction Road. It also includes the Docker River area (but not the Community) which is actually in NT. (Docker River is another of those areas where you will need two permits. The WA side takes you essentially from the Docker River Community, west across the border and on down the Great Central Road.

Permits for the Great Central Road and for the Heather Highway (which is the only approved access to the Gunbarrel Highway heading west) are obtainable on line from the Aboriginal Lands Trust.

For all other tracks in the Central Reserves area (but excluding the Gary Highway and the Gunbarrel Highway – see below) apply in writing to the Ngannyatjarra Council via email:

They are located at Shop 6, 56-58 Head Street, Alice Springs. Telephone (08) 8950 1711. Fax is (08) 8953 1892. Even though the vast majority of the Central Reserves Area is in WA, the Land Council office is located in Alice Springs.

Ngaanyatjarra Land Council

The Ngaanyatjarra Land Council does have a website at: where you can obtain all the necessary permit information. Prices are not quoted online, but our last information was that a permit for Surveyor-General’s Corner was $100 per vehicle plus $25 per person, For your money you get an escort/guide to take you out there and tell you a bit about the history of the Corner, and, if you make the request from your guide/escort, they might give you permission to remain at the Corner for a late morning tea or lunch and to utilise the small shelter shed they have built there.

The Sandy Blight Junction Road and the Gary Junction Road are two other examples of tracks where two permits are required. One permit is required for the parts that fall within Western Australia (via the Ngaanyatjarra Council) and another for the parts that fall within the Northern Territory, (via the Central Land Council). Access to the Sandy Blight Junction Road has recently been reviewed and permits to transit that part of the road which falls within the NT are once again being issued by the NT Central Land Council.

The Ngaanyatjarra Council generally applies a maximum period of three (3) days within which you can remain in the Central Reserves Area for the purpose of any transits. The Council has an option to increase this period however, if you make a specific request in your written application to facilitate for example, a transit of a number of tracks.

Apply to the Ngaanyatjarra Council
Address: Shop 6, 56-58 Head Street, Alice Springs, NT 0870
Postal Address: P.O. Box 644, Alice Springs, NT 0871
Phone: (08) 8950 1711.
Fax: (08) 8953 1892

Central Reserves Area

Gary Highway:

A Permit is not required to transit the Gary Highway, however to access the Gary Highway in the north, Permits for the Gary Junction Road and/or the Canning Stock Route (if that is how you intend to access the Gary Highway) are required. Please also note that access to Veevers Meteorite Crater is no longer available. (See Great Sandy Desert section below).

Gunbarrel Highway including Abandoned Section:

Permits are not being issued for travel on the part of the Gunbarrel Highway between Jackie Junction and the Heather Highway/Gunbarrel Highway intersection. Access to or exit from the Gunbarrel Highway at its eastern end must be via the Heather Highway, for which you must have a permit.

A Permit is not required to transit the Gunbarrel Highway between the Heather Highway Junction and Wiluna.

Very special conditions apply for travel along the Abandoned Section of the Old Gunbarrel Highway between Warakurna and Warburton. A permit is required. Details may be obtained from the Ngaanyatjarra Land Council.

Balgo, Mulan and Billiluna:

The communities of Balgo, Mulan and Billiluna fall within the south eastern corner of the Kimberley Land Council’s area. Mulan and Billiluna are part of a Native Title Determination Area managed by the Paruku Indigenous Protected Area (Paruku IPA). The nearest community to Lake Gregory is Mulan.

If you would like to visit the area, including accessing Lake Gregory or the Canning Stock Route from the east, there are a number of permits that you might require.


If you simply wish to transit Balgo to get to/from Mulan and/or Billiluna, then you will only need the Balgo transit permit which also provides access to/from the Tanami Track and thence to the Canning Stock Route. (Also see the two sections below covering the “Canning Stock Route” as a “Day Pass” is also now required to transit the Canning within the Paruku IPA). If you wish to enter the Balgo Community, to visit the Church for example or to visit the Walayirti Artists, Balgo Art and Cultural Centre, or to purchase fuel or supplies, then you will also need a Balgo entry permit. Both permits are available on-line from

The Balgo Community Store has a reasonable range of foodstuffs. Opal unleaded and Diesel is also available. Opening hours are 8.00 am to 12 noon and 2.00 pm to 4.00 but they are not open on Saturday afternoons or Sundays. Contact the Wirrimanu Aboriginal Corporation, Balgo, on phone (08) 9168 8017 or fax (08) 9168 8950 for further information.

Re The Canning Stock Route:

N.B.: The Paruku IPA booklet states quite clearly that: “Tourists driving through the Paruku IPA along the Canning Stock Route will require a “Day Pass” ”. Access is available direct to the Canning Stock Route from Mulan in the north, (via a track which joins the Canning about 20 km’s south of Billiluna) and in the south via a track which traverses the southern edge of Lake Gregory and joins the Canning approximately 2 km’s south of Well 51. (Also see below under the heading of “Canning Stock Route)”.

Canning Stock Route

Permits are required and fees apply. The Canning Stock Route website now contains all details including the option of making an online application and payment. CanningStock

The contact number is 08 9425 2099 (use +61 8 9425 2099 for international dialing). Alternatively, you may send email to

The Australian National Four Wheel Drive Council also continues to issue travel permits for the CSR for the section between Wells 16 - 39 on behalf of the Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation (WDALC). See the ANFWDC website for more details.

It should also be noted that the Ngurrara people have been granted Exclusive Possession Native Title over an area that includes the Canning Stock Route between Well 40 to Well 50.

The Calvert Ranges and the Carnarvon Ranges is currently unavailable (ie. no permit is available, no access is permitted).

Access to the Canning from the east:

To access the Canning Stock Route from the east, via the communities of Balgo and/or Mulan, please see the “Balgo, Mulan and Billiluna” information above near the beginning of this article. Balgo, Mulan and Billiluna communities are part of the Kimberley Land Council.

Fuel and Supplies:

Travellers on the Canning Stock Route should note fuel is reliably available at Kunawarritji Community near Well 33, which is approximately mid-way and should service the needs of most travellers. Both diesel and unleaded fuel is available from bowsers.

Prior to the community servicing the CSR tourists, fuel was only available to those that had pre-arranged/pre-paid Capricorn Roadhouse (Newman) for a fuel dump, but this service is no longer required. We have been advised that for the 2016 season that Capricorn Roadhouse is once again offering fuel dump services to those that require this. Contact Outback Fuel Distributors (08) 9175 1535.

Kunawarritji opening hours are: Monday to Friday: 8.00 am to 12 noon then 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm. Saturday is 8.00 am to 12 noon. They are closed on Sundays and Public Holidays. (An “Out of Hours” opening service is available for a fee). Kunawarritji also offers a reasonably well stocked shop (same hours as the fuel). Unique souvenirs, clothing and art work is also available. Internet access is also available at a reasonable charge. They were also previously offering some limited “donga” accommodation and camping at the Community with showers, toilets and a laundry, but it would be worth checking with them as to whether or not the camping, accommodation and/or laundry and shower facilities are still available.Kunawarritji can be contacted on (08) 9176 9040 or fax on (08) 9176 9080. Their email is Camping is also available at Well 33 itself.

Fuel and supplies are also available at Billiluna. Fuel however, is only available at Billiluna via “fuel cards” which can only be purchased from the Community Store in values of $10, $20, $30, $50 and $90. The Community Store at Billiluna is open Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 11.00 am and 2.00 pm till 4.00 pm, and on Saturday from 8.30 am to 10.30 am. The Store is closed Saturday afternoon and Sundays. The Mindibungu Aboriginal Corporation at Billiluna can be contacted on phone (08) 9168 8988 or fax (08) 9168 8983.

Parngurr Community (Cotton Creek) also usually has diesel available from a gauged, gravity fed tank, but you MUST telephone the Community Coordinator at least two weeks ahead to order fuel. ULP in 200 litre drums can also be bought in for you on special order; any such arrangements should be made well in advance. Their opening hours are very short and usually limited to Monday to Friday. If you need any supplies, they also have a reasonably stocked small supermarket, so when you ring you could also check whether you can get access to the shop.Well made souvenirs and some good artwork are also available. Parngurr is located in the south eastern corner of Rudall River National Park. The turn off onto the 21 kilometre track to Parngurr is located 61 kilometres east of Georgia Bore (near Well 22) on the Talawana Track. They can be contacted on (08) 9176 9009. Fax is (08) 9176 9964. Their email address is Showers and toilets are also available at their Visitor Centre for a fee, and inquiries can also be made about camping opportunities. There is a quite reasonable camping area with a bore and windmill adjacent to the turnoff to the Community.

Ruddal River National Park (Karlamilyi)

If you would like to visit Rudall River National Park (now known as Karlamilyi National Park) and would like to discuss your plans with a “local”, please contact Richard Taylor, who is located at Parngurr on email

Great Sandy Desert

Consequent to a number of Native Title Determinations, including the one that resulted in a Permit becoming necessary to travel the Canning Stock Route between Wells 5 and 40, recent decisions on transit permit requests have shown that many previously accessible areas of the Great Sandy Desert are currently not able to be accessed. For example, access to the Warri Site and Ngarinarri Claypan, Veevers Meteorite Crater, Patience Well, the Callawa Route, the Gwenneth and Percival Lakes areas and numerous other native wells, rock holes and soaks is currently not being granted.

Inquiries have been made to the appropriate parties with respect to the Great Sandy Desert, and the moment answers become available, the updated information will be made available to all of those organisations who reproduce this material on their websites.

Kimberley Region

Kimberley Land Council

Inquiries from the Kimberley Land Council at Derby, telephone (08) 9193 1118, show that if you wish to visit any communities in the northern area of the Kimberley, (this does not include Balgo, Mulan and Billiluna) the best way is simply to report in to the Community Office on the day of your visit, (but note that the Community Offices are closed on weekends so ensure your first day of visit at least is on a weekday), and purchase a permit on the day. The Kimberley Land Council’s Broome Office telephone is (08) 9193 6199. Also check the Department of Indigenous Affairs, Aboriginal Lands Trust website ( as a number of Kimberley Communities (including Balgo) are nominated as having on-line permit approvals. Check the conditions which might apply, and particularly with respect to the automated on-line process. However, regardless of the availability of the on-line process, the advice from the Kimberley Land Council of reporting in to the particular community in the northern area does appear to be the best way of gaining permits in that area.

Broome - Main Office

Inquiries from the Kimberley Land Council in Broome:
P.O. Box 2145, 36 Pembroke St, Broome, WA 6725
Phone: (08) 9193 6199
Fax: (08) 9193 6279
Website: Kimberley Land Council

Derby Office - Includes the KLC Library

Inquiries from the Kimberley Land Council at Derby:
P.O. Box 377, Lot 285, Loch Street, Derby, WA 6728
Phone: (08) 9193 1118
Fax: (08) 9193 1163
Website: Kimberley Land Council

Mulan and Billiluna:

The Paruku IPA communities of Mulan and Billiluna offer camping and visitation to Lake Gregory. Their community stores also offer a wide range of foodstuffs and stock both Opal unleaded and diesel fuel. Fuel is available via “Fuel Cards”, which can be purchased from the community stores in values of $10, $20, $30, $50 and $90. Opening hours are generally 8.00 am to 12 noon and 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday. They are not open on weekends.

Camping areas are available at two sites on Lake Gregory being the “Handover Site” and “Yunpu”, and at another site known as “Stretch Lagoon”, which is just off the Canning Stock Route about 15 km’s south of Billiluna.

If you would like to camp at the “Handover Site” (which is the actual location where the High Court handed down its native title Decision with respect to the area) or at “Yunpu” you will need to contact the Paruku IPA Office, Mulan, on phone (08) 9168 8259 or fax (08) 9168 8984 or by email at or

To camp at “Stretch Lagoon” contact the Paruku IPA Office at Billiluna on phone (08) 9168 8260 or by email at

Opening hours for both offices are 9.00 am to 12 noon and 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday only. Each of the offices can issue “Day Passes” to enter the Paruku IPA and camping permits for each of the three camping areas. “Day Passes” and camping permits may be purchased directly from the Paruku IPA offices or in advance. If camping permits are purchased in advance however, you will still need to call into one or other of the Paruku offices to log your trip and be given current road and track information; and remember the offices are not open on weekends.

Camping fees of $30 per vehicle for the first night and then $10 per night thereafter is applied at all three sites. A “Day Pass” to enter the Paruku IPA is $10 per vehicle. So to enter the Paruku IPA it would cost you $10 for your “Day Pass”, and then to camp consecutively say, one night each at the “Handover Site”, “Yunpu” and then “Stretch Lagoon”, would cost $30 for the first night and then $10 each for the other two nights.

An excellent booklet on the Paruku Indigenous Protected Area is available from both Mulan and Billiluna.

The Mulan Aboriginal Corporation Office itself can be contacted on the same telephone and/or fax as the Mulan Paruku IPA office or by email at

The Billiluna Mindibungu Aboriginal Corporation itself can be contacted on phone (08) 9168 8988 or fax (08) 9168 8983.


To visit Kalumburu you need to gain a Kalumburu Recreation Entry Permit. These can be obtained at a cost of $50 per vehicle. The website has an online application for this process.

Alternatively, you can purchase the permit(s) upon arrival at the community store and the Kalumburu Community Resource Centre.

The Kalumburu Recreation Entry Permit allows access to all areas on the KAC leasehold including Carson River Station Leasehold. Access to Truscott Airfield, Winanghie Beach and west of the King Edward River is prohibited.

The local Community Resource Centre provides visitor information, internet and wi-fi café, accommodation and tour bookings, Australia Post Agency, telephone cards and meeting room bookings as well as permits. Contacted (08) 9161 4627 or email Open Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm.

The Uraro Community Store can be contacted on (08) 9161 4575. The store is open 7 days per week (mornings only on Sat & Sun).

Note that fuel is not available in Kalumburu over the weekend.

Kalumburu Accommodation

Camping & Motel accommodation is available at the Kalumburu Catholic Mission. The Mission can be contacted on (08) 9161 4333. Their camp site is well grassed, shady and cool, with good showers and toilets. Well worth the modest charge. Short-term self-contained accommodation is sometimes available in the Kalumburu community. Contact the Kalumburu Community Resource Centre (08 91614627 or to find out if anything is available. Camping further up the coast is available at Honeymoon Bay, (telephone (08) 9161 4378) and at McGowan’s Island (08) 9161 4748). These camping areas are operated by members of the Community.

Cape Leveque:

If you wish to visit Cape Leveque contact the Broome Visitors Information Centre on (08) 9192 2222. Whilst again, the Aboriginal Lands Trust website says you must have a permit to drive the road out to Cape Leveque, the Broome Visitors Centre is of the view that such information is way out of date. This is probably quite correct as the actual printouts from the on-line Permit process with the Lands Trust notes that the road to Cape Leveque is a public road. BUT! You do need booked accommodation to enter the Cape Leveque area. The Visitors Centre can make a booking for you at either the camping area or at the other (range of) accommodations available at the Cape, which is highly advisable. During popular times of school holidays and long weekends, all of the available accommodation, including camping can be booked out months in advance, so it is advisable to book well ahead.

Accessing Communities Generally:

If you wish to access actual communities, then it is generally best to ring that community and speak to them direct regarding any requirements.


For the status of roads and tracks in WA, go into ExplorOz Road Conditions, or visit the Main Roads website at: and click on "Road and Traffic Info".

Mine Roads and Railways

Hamersley Iron Railway Line:

To drive the access track which parallels the Hamersley Iron Railway Line from Tom Price to Dampier you MUST apply IN PERSON at any of: the Tom Price Tourist Information Service (08) 9188 5488; the Karratha Visitor Centre (08) 9144 4600; the Roebourne Visitor Centre (08) 9182 1060 or the Pannawonica Office & Library (08) 9184 1038. You MUST do this in person as you will be required to sit through about a 20 minute video which mainly concentrates on the rail safety aspects of the trip, and then you will be issued with your permit. The permit is free, but you may be asked to make a donation to a nominated local charity or hospital. Please do so.

Telfer Mine Road:

To traverse the Telfer Mine Road you don’t need a permit, but you do need to notify the Mine Manager of your intentions. Before your visit write an email to: Telfer Security informing the Manager of who you are; where and how you can be contacted; the numbers and details of vehicles including: make, colour, registration number and State of registration; driver and passengers names; and the likely date/s of being on their road; your direction of travel and destination. They will then supply you with road conditions and safety information as well as phone coverage and emergency contact details.

The Transcontinental Railway:

Throughout Australia, the tracks beside the railway are now private property. This was a result of the corporatisation of Australian National Railways. Regrettably, there have been far too many instances of travellers breaking down, or needing help, and they were, incredibly, flagging down the trains! Management have now simply barred access and will have transgressors dealt with as trespassers. The fine can be quite hefty. You have been warned!

Crossing from Western Australia to South Australia, you can now only follow the railway from Kalgoorlie to Rawlinna. It is illegal to travel east of Rawlinna and absolutely no permits are being issued. However, if you wish to travel the Googs Track you are permitted to travel the section east from where the track meets the railway all the way through to Kingoonya. From there you pick up the main track of some 46km to Glendambo on the Stuart Highway.

Entry and Camping Fees in National Parks:

You should bear in mind that many WA National Parks charge both an entry fee and a nightly camping fee, whilst others only charge a camping fee. Some are totally free. Quite a number of those fees are payable by way of self registration when you enter the park. Other parks have ranger stations to which you must report, and others are controlled by the very friendly, effective and efficient “Park Hosts” system.

Entry fees where applicable (as at April 2016) are listed in this document. As you can see, fees vary slightly depending on the facilities available but are generally $12 per vehicle or $6 concession (motorcycle fees are $6, no concession applies). We note that these prices in 2016 are still the same as they were back in 2014.

Camping fees where applicable (as at April 2016) are $19 (Dirk Hartog Island National Park), or more generally $12.00, $10.00 or $7.50 per adult per night depending on the facilities available. The concession rates are $8.80, $6.60 or $5.50 per adult per night, but bear in mind that a few parks do not offer a concession rate. A child concession is available for ages 6-15 at $2.20 each per night wherever camping fees apply. Signs at entry points generally advise of the situation applying in the particular park.

Fees payable in some camping areas managed by commercial operators in some WA National Parks may be higher than those indicated above.

WA is currently developing an on-line campground booking process which will cover most of their more popular National Parks.

If you are going to be in WA for some time, you might like to consider gaining a “WA All Parks Pass” before you go. This Pass in 2016 cost just $88 per vehicle or $55 if you have a concession card and gives you access to all* WA National Parks as many times as you like within a 12 month period. A “Holiday Parks Pass” is also available for $44 (no concessions) which gives unlimited access to all* WA National Parks for a one month period. Neither pass covers any camping fees which may be applicable. The Passes are obtainable on-line from the WA Department of Parks and Wildlife, (see below).

*N.B.: Neither pass covers entry fees to the Tree Top Walk, Penguin Island, Geikie Gorge boat trip, Dryandra Woodland or the Monkey Mia Reserve, and may also exclude entry to some special events in various Parks.

The website for the WA Department of Parks and Wildlife is or you can apply direct to the Dept. at Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, WA 6983. Telephone (08) 9219 9000 or fax (08) 9334 0498, and ask for a Customer Service Officer. The website also contains contact details for a whole host of smaller retail outlets where the various entry passes are obtainable.

The website is very informative and contains heaps of information to assist you with your trip planning including current access restrictions and seasonal closures.

Road Conditions:

For road conditions in WA before you go, or whilst you are away go to and click on “Road and Traffic Info” or alternatively go to for an easy way to glance through all relevant 4WD/Track road conditions for the state. This report is also available for all states/territories.

Can I get a Concession?:

Don’t forget, if you are dealing with a National Park Service or any Government Agency, and you have a Seniors Card or a Pension Card of some description; always ask whether a Seniors Discount is available. In most cases the answer is, yes!

WA National Parks - Entry and Camping Fees

WA Dept. of WA Department of Parks and Wildlife

Postal Address: Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, WA 6983
Phone: (08) 9219 9000 (ask for a Customer Service Officer)
Fax: (08) 9334 0498


If you are dealing with a National Park Service or any Government Agency and you have a Seniors Card, Pension or Concession Card of some description; always ask whether a discounted rate applies.

WA Coast

Steep Point (Edel Land):

Steep Point was recently purchased by the WA Government (including Crayfish Point and False Entrance) is now being managed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW). Edel Land is currently listed as a proposed National Park.

This means that the normal charges applicable within many National Parks in WA for entry to the Park and overnight camping now apply. (See below under “Entry and Camping Fees in National Parks”). Western Australian All Parks and/or Holiday Park Passes are able to be used for entry to Steep Point.

The previous Rangers, (Paul and Pam) have been appointed as Rangers by the Department of Environment and Conservation and continue to reside in the Ranger’s residence.

Very comprehensive information about Steep Point together with a camping permit request document is available from the Shark Bay website. See Camping Request Form. If you require any information not available on the website, the Denham Office of DPaW can be contacted on (08) 9948 1208 or (08) 9948 3993.

The very limited numbers of camp sites are always in huge demand, so you MUST book well ahead utilising the on-line booking form available on the Steep Point part of the Shark Bay website. (Be prepared to book up to 12 months ahead for some periods of the year). Camping is also available at False Entrance, but again, you MUST use the booking form available on the website. Entry fees also apply at False Entrance and Crayfish Bay, and to access the Blowholes at Thunder Bay.

DPaW have retained the requirement that you MUST lower your tyre pressures to 20 psi when you come to the first sand dunes, so make sure you have an operating air compressor to re-inflate your tyres once you leave. And, consistent with travel in any remote location, you should also have an operating UHF radio, or alternatively a satphone or VHF radio, or EPIRB.

Day trips are of course still able to be undertaken, and the appropriate Park entry fee will apply. A trip from Hamelin Pool Caravan Park and Telegraph Station ((08) 9942 5905) to Steep Point and return can easily be completed in a day. As long as you get an early start you will have ample time to savour the views, take photos, and perhaps return via the Zuytdorp Cliffs.

Ranger Headquarters

The Rangers at Steep Point are Paul and Pam
Phone: (08) 9948 3993
Fax: (08) 9948 3993
Radios: UHF 16, 27 Meg 68, VHF 16

Cape Leveque:

If you wish to visit Cape Leveque contact the Broome Visitors Information Centre on (08) 9192 2222. The Aboriginal Lands Trust website says you must have a permit to drive the road out to Cape Leveque, however the Broome Visitors Centre is of the view that such information is way out of date. This is probably quite correct as the actual printouts from the on-line Permit process with the Lands Trust notes that the road to Cape Leveque is a public road. BUT! You do need booked accommodation to enter the Cape Leveque area. The Visitors Centre can make a booking for you at either the camping area or at the other (range of) accommodations available at the Cape, which is highly advisable. During popular times of school holidays and long weekends, all of the available accommodation, including camping can be booked out months in advance, so it is advisable to book well ahead.


Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of this information, no responsibility can be accepted for either the accuracy of the contents or for any errors or omissions.

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