Cape York

StartClick to Reverse the Dynamic Map and Driving NotesSeisia
DifficultyDifficulty 4.5/5
Suitable For4WD 
Distance844.47 km
Minimum Days24
Average Speed27.8 km/hr
Travel Time1 day 6 hrs 22 mins
Page Updated: 7 Mar 2023


This Trek Note provides the most challenging route to Cape York via the Old Telegraph Track, or OTT as its known. There are other easier ways to get to the tip of Cape York, however this route will allow those who have exceptionally sound 4WD skills to experience the journey in its most natural form.

The alternative route to the one shown in this trek note is to use the Bypass Roads. We provide a separate trek note for those that wish to use this easier route. The trek note is called Cape York via Bypass Roads. You can still access sections of the Telegraph Track if you refer to the map for entry/exit points.

There are many other interesting places to visit on the Cape York Peninsula that we've not included in either of these main thoroughfare routes to the top. Instead, you'll find details about these in separate Trek Notes because they can all be accessed off the two main routes at noted exit points. We suggest you should research all these side trips and build your own itinerary. Use the links provided in the section titled "Nearby Treks".

Once you've reached Seisia, you still have a little way to go to reach the true "tip" of Cape York. Australia's most northerly point. Refer to our Cape York - Seisia to the Tip Trek Note for details on how to get there, and other things to explore in the area.

How to Use this Trek Note

  • To download this information and the route file for offline use on a phone, tablet, headunit or laptop, go to the app store and purchase ExplorOz Traveller. This app enables offline navigation and mapping and will show where you are as you travel along the route. For more info see the ExplorOz Traveller webpage and the EOTopo webpage.


ExplorOz Traveller now features the NEW EOTopo 2025 mapset!


Cape York is the name of the most northern point of the Australian continent and is often referred to as "The Tip". In fact, the whole peninsula of land that lies above the 16°S latitude is called Cape York Peninsula - this narrow peninsula is bound by the Coral sea to the east the Arafura sea and Gulf of Carpentaria to the west and the Torres Strait to the north. Locals however, refer to Cape York "proper" as the area north of the Jardine river.

TrekID: 7


MUST READ: You are strongly encouraged to read the following articles prepared by the knowledge experts at ExplorOz for your safety and preparation before undertaking any published ExplorOz Trek - Outback Safety, Outback Driving Tips, Outback Communications, and Vehicle Setup for the Outback.


Please refer to Road Reports published by the local shire and/or main roads for the area you intend to visit. Road/Track conditions can change significantly after weather events. Travellers must be responsible for their own research on current conditions and track suitability.
A trip to Cape York must be carefully planned. You need to plan for the worst and be prepared to handle repairs and maintenance in the bush. Your vehicle will need to be extensively prepared for remote area travel and you will need to ensure you have made essential modifications and carry specific safety equipment & communications.

Most people travel in convoy throughout the Cape not just for company, but for safety and backup. Just remember that overly large convoy groups can be hazardous on narrow dual-direction tracks and due to the bulldust on many Cape Roads, large groups may need to spread out so far apart that the leader lose radio communications with the tail-end charlie. For these reasons, you'll find a smaller convoy more enjoyable and practical.


Permits are required to access all areas of Aboriginal land. The permit is provided when you pay your ferry fee to cross the Jardine River at near Bamaga.

Camping permits are required in all National Parks and Reserves on the Cape York Peninsula and these must now be purchased in advance before arriving at your campsite. Self-registration for camp sites is no longer possible. To obtain an e-permit book online at, or phone 13 74 68.

Fuel Usage

4cyl 106 litres *4cyl 137 litres4cyl 169 litres
6cyl 121 litres *6cyl 127 litres *6cyl 149 litres
8cyl 130 litres8cyl 140 litres
Usage is averaged from recorded data (* specific to this trek) and calculated based on trek distance.

Best Time To Visit

Closest Climatic Station

Lockhart River Airport
Distance from Trek Mid Point 67.72km NW
Mean Max. °C31.631.330.629.728.727.427.127.729.030.431.832.2
Mean Min. °C23.723.623.422.921.920.119.419.220.521.923.023.6
Mean Rain mm395.9390.8452.3296.9106.858.443.429.215.729.172.2208.4
    Best time to travel      Ok time to travel      Travel NOT recommended


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Seisia to New Mapoon
Driving: 3.33 km
Heading: 141°
Avg Speed: 39.76 km/hr
EST Time: 05:01
  • Drive southeast on Seisia Road. for: 2.88 km time: 02:31
  • Turn left. for: 0.07 km time: 00:09
  • Turn left. for: 0.03 km time: 00:05
  • Turn right onto Parry Street. for: 0.29 km time: 00:30
  • Turn left. for: 0.06 km time: 01:46
New Mapoon to Bamaga
Driving: 3.45 km
Heading: 174°
Avg Speed: 37.39 km/hr
EST Time: 05:32
  • Drive southeast. for: 0.06 km time: 01:43
  • Turn right onto Parry Street. for: 0.29 km time: 00:36
  • Turn left. for: 0.03 km time: 00:03
  • Turn right. for: 0.07 km time: 00:13
  • Turn left onto Seisia Road. for: 2.93 km time: 02:48
  • Turn right onto Injinoo Road. for: 0.07 km time: 00:10
Bamaga to Injinoo
Driving: 7.19 km
Heading: 257°
Avg Speed: 66.86 km/hr
EST Time: 06:27
  • Drive west on Injinoo Road. for: 7.03 km time: 06:11
  • Turn left at the end of the road, onto Ropeyarn Street for: 0.05 km time: 00:03
  • Turn left onto Injinoo Back Road. for: 0.11 km time: 00:13
Injinoo to Junction Bamaga Rd & Seisia Rd
Driving: 7.12 km
Heading: 133°
Avg Speed: 57.88 km/hr
EST Time: 07:22
  • Drive west on Injinoo Back Road. for: 0.11 km time: 00:11
  • Turn right onto Ropeyarn Street. for: 0.05 km time: 00:08
  • Turn right at the end of the road, onto Injinoo Road for: 0.23 km time: 00:15
  • Turn right onto Injinoo Back Road. for: 6.73 km time: 06:49
Junction Bamaga Rd & Seisia Rd to Junction Bamaga Rd & Track to DC Wrecks
Driving: 4.97 km
Heading: 178°
Avg Speed: 32.99 km/hr
EST Time: 09:02
  • Drive southeast on Injinoo Back Road. for: 4.97 km time: 09:02
Junction Bamaga Rd & Track to DC Wrecks to Southern Bypass & Usher Point Rd
Driving: 11.12 km
Heading: 176°
Avg Speed: 27.76 km/hr
EST Time: 24:02
  • Drive south on Injinoo Back Road. for: 0.29 km time: 00:35
  • Bear right onto Bamaga Road. for: 10.78 km time: 21:54
  • Turn left. for: 0.05 km time: 01:33
Southern Bypass & Usher Point Rd to Jardine River Ferry Campground & Service Station
Driving: 13.16 km
Heading: 253°
Avg Speed: 27.89 km/hr
EST Time: 28:18
  • Drive southwest. for: 0.05 km time: 01:33
  • Turn right onto Bamaga Road. for: 0.34 km time: 01:01
  • Turn left to stay on Bamaga Road. for: 11.1 km time: 22:17
  • Bear right onto Bamaga Road (Northern Bypass Road). for: 1.5 km time: 03:01
  • Take the Jardine River Ferry. for: 0.03 km time: 00:10
  • Drive west on Bamaga Road (Northern Bypass Road). for: 0.09 km time: 00:10
  • Turn left at the end of the road, onto Bamaga Road (Northern Bypass Road) for: 0.06 km time: 00:07
Jardine River Ferry Campground & Service Station to Junction OTT Exit & Northern Bypass
Driving: 23.65 km
Heading: 169°
Avg Speed: 30 km/hr
EST Time: 47:18
  • Drive west on Bamaga Road (Northern Bypass Road). for: 23.65 km time: 47:18
Junction OTT Exit & Northern Bypass to Bypass Routepoint
Driving: 4.58 km
Heading: 50°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 13:44
  • Drive northeast on Jardine River Bypass Track. for: 4.58 km time: 54:58
Bypass Routepoint to OTT Exit to Bypass Track
Driving: 5.98 km
Heading: 35°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 17:56
  • Drive northeast on Jardine River Bypass Track. for: 5.98 km time: 01:11:48
OTT Exit to Bypass Track to Jardine River
Driving: 4.81 km
Heading: 340°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 14:25
  • Drive north on Old Telegraph Track. for: 4.81 km time: 14:25
Jardine River to OTT Exit to Bypass Track
Driving: 4.81 km
Heading: 160°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 14:25
  • Drive southwest on Old Telegraph Track. for: 4.81 km time: 14:25
OTT Exit to Bypass Track to Telegraph Track - Bridge Creek
Driving: 1.55 km
Heading: 163°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 04:39
  • Drive south on Old Telegraph Track. for: 1.55 km time: 04:38
Telegraph Track - Bridge Creek to Telegraph Track - Cypress Creek
Driving: 12.95 km
Heading: 168°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 38:51
  • Drive east on Old Telegraph Track. for: 12.95 km time: 38:52
Telegraph Track - Cypress Creek to Telegraph Track - Cannibal Creek
Driving: 1.83 km
Heading: 171°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 05:29
  • Drive southeast on Old Telegraph Track. for: 1.83 km time: 05:29
Telegraph Track - Cannibal Creek to Telegraph Track - Mistake Creek
Driving: 2.07 km
Heading: 181°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 06:12
  • Drive southeast on Old Telegraph Track. for: 2.07 km time: 06:13
Telegraph Track - Mistake Creek to Telegraph Track - Sam Creek
Driving: 1.52 km
Heading: 182°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 04:33
  • Drive southeast on Old Telegraph Track. for: 1.52 km time: 04:33
Telegraph Track - Sam Creek to Canal Creek
Driving: 3.92 km
Heading: 173°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 11:45
  • Drive southwest on Old Telegraph Track. for: 3.92 km time: 11:46
Canal Creek to Telegraph Track - Eliot Falls Junction
Driving: 0.42 km
Heading: 148°
Avg Speed: 19.61 km/hr
EST Time: 01:17
  • Drive southeast on Old Telegraph Track. for: 0.42 km time: 01:17
Telegraph Track - Eliot Falls Junction to Eliot Falls
Driving: 1.59 km
Heading: 30°
Avg Speed: 4.1 km/hr
EST Time: 23:16
  • Drive north on Old Telegraph Track. for: 0.07 km time: 00:13
  • Bear right onto Elliot Falls Campground Track. for: 1.52 km time: 23:09
Eliot Falls to Telegraph Track - Eliot Falls Junction
Driving: 1.59 km
Heading: 210°
Avg Speed: 4.1 km/hr
EST Time: 23:16
  • Drive southwest on Elliot Falls Campground Track. for: 1.52 km time: 23:07
  • Bear left onto Old Telegraph Track. for: 0.07 km time: 00:13
Telegraph Track - Eliot Falls Junction to Barmaga Rd (Northern Bypass Road) - Telegraph Track Junction
Driving: 6.39 km
Heading: 169°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 19:10
  • Drive south on Old Telegraph Track. for: 6.39 km time: 19:10
Barmaga Rd (Northern Bypass Road) - Telegraph Track Junction to Fruit Bat Falls
Driving: 2.48 km
Heading: 50°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 07:26
  • Drive north on Old Telegraph Track. for: 0 km time: 00:01
  • Turn right onto Fruitbat Falls Track. for: 2.45 km time: 29:29
  • Turn right. for: 0.02 km time: 00:36
Fruit Bat Falls to Barmaga Rd (Northern Bypass Road) - Telegraph Track Junction
Driving: 2.48 km
Heading: 230°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 07:26
  • Drive southwest. for: 0.02 km time: 00:35
  • Turn left onto Fruitbat Falls Track. for: 2.45 km time: 29:27
  • Turn left at the end of the road, onto Old Telegraph Track for: 0 km time: 00:01
Barmaga Rd (Northern Bypass Road) - Telegraph Track Junction to Telegraph Track & Southern Bypass Rd
Driving: 9.35 km
Heading: 165°
Avg Speed: 31.44 km/hr
EST Time: 17:50
  • Drive south on Old Telegraph Track. for: 8.97 km time: 16:37
  • Turn right to stay on Old Telegraph Track. for: 0.33 km time: 01:06
  • Turn left to stay on Old Telegraph Track. for: 0.04 km time: 00:08
Telegraph Track & Southern Bypass Rd to Telegraph Track - Cockatoo Creek
Driving: 14.47 km
Heading: 170°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 43:24
  • Drive southeast on Old Telegraph Track. for: 14.47 km time: 43:24
Telegraph Track - Cockatoo Creek to Junction OTT & Gunshot Bypass Track
Driving: 7.45 km
Heading: 164°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 22:21
  • Drive west on Old Telegraph Track. for: 7.45 km time: 22:22
Junction OTT & Gunshot Bypass Track to Former Junction East No Longer Exists
Driving: 7.36 km
Heading: 154°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 22:04
  • Drive south on Old Telegraph Track. for: 7.36 km time: 22:05
Former Junction East No Longer Exists to Gunshot Creek
Driving: 6.22 km
Heading: 329°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 18:39
  • Drive south on Old Telegraph Track. for: 6.22 km time: 18:40
Gunshot Creek to Gunshot Bypass Track
Driving: 0.53 km
Heading: 167°
Avg Speed: 18.91 km/hr
EST Time: 01:40
  • Drive southeast on Old Telegraph Track. for: 0.5 km time: 01:30
  • Turn left onto Gunshot Bypass. for: 0.03 km time: 00:11
Gunshot Bypass Track to Telegraph Track - Bertie Creek
Driving: 1.82 km
Heading: 175°
Avg Speed: 19.99 km/hr
EST Time: 05:27
  • Drive southwest on Gunshot Bypass. for: 0.03 km time: 00:05
  • Turn left onto Old Telegraph Track. for: 1.79 km time: 05:22
Telegraph Track - Bertie Creek to Telegraph Track - Dulhunty river
Driving: 1.57 km
Heading: 168°
Avg Speed: 19.92 km/hr
EST Time: 04:43
  • Drive south on Old Telegraph Track. for: 0.09 km time: 00:15
  • Turn left to stay on Old Telegraph Track. for: 1.48 km time: 04:28
Telegraph Track - Dulhunty river to Heathlands Resources Reserve Boundary
Driving: 3.96 km
Heading: 167°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 11:52
  • Drive southeast on Old Telegraph Track. for: 3.96 km time: 11:53
Heathlands Resources Reserve Boundary to North Alice Creek
Driving: 7.46 km
Heading: 167°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 22:22
  • Drive south on Old Telegraph Track. for: 7.46 km time: 22:22
North Alice Creek to South Alice Creek
Driving: 7.74 km
Heading: 168°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 23:13
  • Drive south on Old Telegraph Track. for: 7.74 km time: 23:14
South Alice Creek to Ducie Creek
Driving: 4.57 km
Heading: 163°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 13:42
  • Drive south on Old Telegraph Track. for: 4.57 km time: 13:43
Ducie Creek to Telegraph Track - Palm Creek
Driving: 2.54 km
Heading: 180°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 07:37
  • Drive southeast on Old Telegraph Track. for: 2.54 km time: 07:37
Telegraph Track - Palm Creek to Palm Creek Tributary
Driving: 1.84 km
Heading: 167°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 05:31
  • Drive south on Old Telegraph Track. for: 1.84 km time: 05:32
Palm Creek Tributary to Bramwell Junction Roadhouse
Driving: 1.43 km
Heading: 168°
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
EST Time: 04:17
  • Drive south on Old Telegraph Track. for: 1.43 km time: 04:17
Bramwell Junction Roadhouse to Moreton Telegraph Station
Driving: 41.67 km
Heading: 167°
Avg Speed: 33.14 km/hr
EST Time: 01:15:26
  • Drive south on Old Telegraph Track. for: 0.13 km time: 00:23
  • Bear right onto Bamaga Road. for: 41.4 km time: 01:14:31
  • Turn right. for: 0.1 km time: 00:20
  • Turn right. for: 0.03 km time: 00:12
Moreton Telegraph Station to Telegraph Road - Batavia Downs turnoff
Driving: 23.7 km
Heading: 169°
Avg Speed: 31.09 km/hr
EST Time: 45:44
  • Drive southeast. for: 0.03 km time: 00:10
  • Turn right. for: 0.08 km time: 00:20
  • Bear right onto Bamaga Road. for: 23.58 km time: 45:14
Telegraph Road - Batavia Downs turnoff to Telegraph Rd & Penninsula Developmental Rd
Driving: 48.78 km
Heading: 169°
Avg Speed: 30 km/hr
EST Time: 01:37:33
  • Drive south on Bamaga Road. for: 48.78 km time: 01:37:34
Telegraph Rd & Penninsula Developmental Rd to Archer River Roadhouse
Driving: 51.91 km
Heading: 155°
Avg Speed: 66.44 km/hr
EST Time: 46:52
  • Drive south on Bamaga Road. for: 0.09 km time: 00:08
  • Turn left at the end of the road, onto Peninsula Developmental Road for: 51.63 km time: 45:34
  • Make a sharp right. for: 0.17 km time: 00:59
  • Turn right. for: 0.03 km time: 00:12
Archer River Roadhouse to The Bend Camp
Driving: 63.04 km
Heading: 153°
Avg Speed: 49.05 km/hr
EST Time: 01:17:06
  • Drive south. for: 0.03 km time: 00:08
  • Turn left. for: 0.17 km time: 00:53
  • Bear right onto Peninsula Developmental Road/81. for: 62.81 km time: 01:15:56
  • Turn left. for: 0.03 km time: 00:10
The Bend Camp to Coen
Driving: 3.07 km
Heading: 168°
Avg Speed: 63.59 km/hr
EST Time: 02:53
  • Drive south. for: 0.03 km time: 00:09
  • Turn left onto Peninsula Developmental Road/81. for: 3.04 km time: 02:45
Coen to Musgrave Roadhouse
Driving: 108.33 km
Heading: 161°
Avg Speed: 49.14 km/hr
EST Time: 02:12:16
  • Drive south on Peninsula Developmental Road/81. for: 108.25 km time: 02:11:58
  • Turn right. for: 0.08 km time: 00:18
Musgrave Roadhouse to Nine Mile Bend
Driving: 32.49 km
Heading: 73°
Avg Speed: 24.53 km/hr
EST Time: 01:19:28
  • Drive southwest on Lakefield Road. for: 32.28 km time: 01:17:23
  • Bear left onto Peninsula Developmental Road/81. for: 0.11 km time: 00:05
  • Turn right. for: 0.1 km time: 02:00
Nine Mile Bend to Morehead River
Driving: 35.85 km
Heading: 89°
Avg Speed: 24.98 km/hr
EST Time: 01:26:06
  • Drive northeast on Lakefield Road. for: 9.84 km time: 23:36
  • Turn right to stay on Lakefield Road. for: 9.36 km time: 22:33
  • Turn left at the end of the road, onto Lakefield Road for: 16.65 km time: 39:58
Morehead River to Breeza Plains Outstation
Driving: 22.5 km
Heading: 139°
Avg Speed: 24.15 km/hr
EST Time: 55:54
  • Drive southeast on Lakefield Road. for: 13.23 km time: 31:45
  • Turn right to stay on Lakefield Road. for: 9.2 km time: 22:06
  • Turn right. for: 0.07 km time: 02:02
Breeza Plains Outstation to Circular Swamp
Driving: 13.07 km
Heading: 142°
Avg Speed: 23.55 km/hr
EST Time: 33:17
  • Drive north. for: 0.07 km time: 01:59
  • Turn right onto Lakefield Road. for: 13 km time: 31:19
Circular Swamp to Lakefield Ranger Base
Driving: 4.65 km
Heading: 133°
Avg Speed: 24.4 km/hr
EST Time: 11:26
  • Drive south on Lakefield Road. for: 4.4 km time: 10:34
  • Make a sharp left. for: 0.09 km time: 00:24
  • Bear right. for: 0.16 km time: 00:29
Lakefield Ranger Base to Lakefield Rd & Kalpower Rd
Driving: 1.5 km
Heading: 163°
Avg Speed: 24.39 km/hr
EST Time: 03:41
  • Drive southwest on Lakefield Road. for: 1.43 km time: 03:35
  • Turn left. for: 0.07 km time: 00:07
Lakefield Rd & Kalpower Rd to Twelve Mile Waterhole
Driving: 40.07 km
Heading: 144°
Avg Speed: 8.62 km/hr
EST Time: 04:38:54
  • Drive northwest. for: 6.62 km time: 03:18:37
  • Turn right onto Lakefield Road. for: 33.38 km time: 01:20:08
  • Turn right. for: 0.07 km time: 00:14
Twelve Mile Waterhole to Twelve Mile Hut
Driving: 12.09 km
Heading: 229°
Avg Speed: 3.42 km/hr
EST Time: 03:32:06
  • Drive northwest. for: 6.62 km time: 03:18:37
  • Turn left onto Lakefield Road. for: 5.46 km time: 13:13
Twelve Mile Hut to Old Laura Homestead
Driving: 19.03 km
Heading: 157°
Avg Speed: 24.6 km/hr
EST Time: 46:24
  • Drive south on Lakefield Road. for: 18.23 km time: 43:45
  • Turn left onto Endeavour BattleCamp Road. for: 0.81 km time: 02:40
Old Laura Homestead to Isabella Falls Campsite
Driving: 68.65 km
Heading: 85°
Avg Speed: 27.71 km/hr
EST Time: 02:28:38
  • Drive southwest on Old Laura Track. for: 0.26 km time: 01:18
  • Turn left onto Endeavour BattleCamp Road. for: 68.39 km time: 02:27:22
Isabella Falls Campsite to Cooktown McIvor River Rd & Endeavour Battlecamp Rd
Driving: 5.92 km
Heading: 135°
Avg Speed: 33.42 km/hr
EST Time: 10:37
  • Drive south on Endeavour BattleCamp Road. for: 5.69 km time: 10:23
  • Turn left at the end of the road, onto Cooktown McIvor River Road for: 0.24 km time: 00:15
Cooktown McIvor River Rd & Endeavour Battlecamp Rd to Endeavour Falls Tourist Park Queensland
Driving: 4.68 km
Heading: 190°
Avg Speed: 76.66 km/hr
EST Time: 03:39
  • Drive southwest on Cooktown McIvor River Road. for: 0.24 km time: 00:12
  • Bear left onto Endeavour Valley Road. for: 4.44 km time: 03:28
Endeavour Falls Tourist Park Queensland to Cooktown
Driving: 32.2 km
Heading: 115°
Avg Speed: 78.89 km/hr
EST Time: 24:29
  • Drive south on Endeavour Valley Road. for: 31.34 km time: 22:54
  • Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit, onto Charlotte Street for: 0.71 km time: 01:06
  • Turn right onto Walker Street. for: 0.12 km time: 00:22
  • Turn right onto Helen Street. for: 0.02 km time: 00:08
Distance is based on the travel mode shown (Driving, Straight, Cycling, Walking etc), Direction is straight line from start to end, Avg Speed & EST Time is calculated from GPS data.

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