Marble Gum
Boab or Adansonia
Sturt's Desert pea
Gidgee or Stinking Wattle
Green Bird Flower or Rattlepod
Honeysuckle Oak or Spider Flower, Desert Grevillea
Macrozamia dyeri or Zamia Palm
Coast Banksia, White Honeysuckle
Koch's Pigface
Frankenia (no common name)
Christmas Tree Mulga
Flannel Flower
Red Flowered Kurrajong
Queen of Sheba Orchid
Drummond's Everlasting Daisy, Pompom daisy
Christmas bells
Native to Western Australia Erect annual, herb, 0.02-0.2 m high Red sandy & clayey soils, stony soils. Rocky sandstone breakaways, lateritic screes, dunes, plains.
Shrub or tree, 1-12 m high. Fl. yellow, Jul to Oct. Variety of soils & habitats.
Rigid, prickly, intricate, often prostrate, spreading shrub, 0.1-1.5 m high. Flowers yellow, Jun to Nov. Variety of soils, frequently on clay.
Acacias come in all shapes, sizes and forms. Acacia glaucoptera - Flat Wattle is one of the more unusual wattles. It can be found in coastal and inland mallee regions from Albany to Israelite Bay.
Non-lignotuberous tree or shrub, growing to 10 m high. Flowerheads are cream & orange and a produced from Feb to Aug. Grows in white or grey/yellow sand, sandy loam, brown clay, laterite, granite.
A straggling low shrub. Leaves are broadly oval ending in a point with numerous longitudinal veins. Small dusky red flowers are slightly furry.
Small evergreen shrub growing to about 50cm, growing in poorly drained sandy soil. Small heath-like leaves. Flowers clustered in an infloresence 5cm in diameter, giving a daisy-like appearance.
An attractive upright understorey shrub growing to 1 or 2m tall. The stems are glabrous. Leaves oblanceolate or narrow-elliptic, mostly 15–90 mm long, 7–20 mm wide, tips acute to obtuse,
Aerial shrub, hemiparasitic on stems. Fl. pink & red, Jan to Apr or Aug to Nov. Exclusively on Melaleuca.
This weird looking "thing" is a native fungus that rots down litter on the forest floor. A globular egg-like structure on the soil gives rise to a large fleshy tube, up to 100 x 30 mm.
Greenish-yellow and brownish-red flowers. Grows between 250mm-500mm in height
Low shrub. Leaves greyish, strongly serrated. Flowers orange/yellow. Growing on sand dune.
A low compact shrub with bright red tubular flowers. Small leaves are crowded along the stems and have very sharp points.
Erect shrub, 0.25-1 m high. Fl. white, Jul to Oct. Sandy & lateritic soils. Sandplains.
Tufted perennial, grass-like or herb, 0.2-0.75 m high. Fl. green, Jul to Dec. Sand, loam, laterite, limestone.
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